Interpretation of specialty exams: Clin Path data: Although the red blood cell count was normal, the hemoglobin and hematocrit were low. Therefore, there is a possibility there is an anemia present. The MCV was low indicating microcytic cells. This normally occurs in iron deficiency, and could be because the body is sequestering the iron to keep the bacteria (Kleibseilla) from using it for metabolism. Although the MCHC was high, this is not pertinent information as high MCHCÕs are a false result usually occurring from intravascular hemolysis when performing the venipuncture. The leukogram was normal. Platelets were high. This could be due to bleeding from trauma, or an iron deficient anemia. Fibrinogen was on the high end possibly reflectimg inflammation. Kleibseilla pneumonia was cultured from the joint culture, indicating infection. Kleibseilla can be a cause of septic arthritis in foals. Osteomyelitis from failure of passive transfer of colostrum could also result from the infection. Klebseilla is also indicated in equine selective IgM deficiency, but usually presents with respiratory signs. Since the bacteria were located inside the joint culture, it would explain why the blood work did not reveal an infectious leukogram etc. These signs could also be a result of joint ill. The radiographs show normal structure with normal appearance of growth plates and structure of bone. There is soft tissue swelling evident however in the fetlock joint. There may be early stages of bone lysis present on the distal ends of the metatarsal bone.