Hypothesis 2 Ð Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Damage This dog was hit by a car 3 days ago which could certainly result in trauma to muscles, tendons or ligaments. The muscles that could have been injured are the following: Quadriceps, hamstrings, tarsal flexors and extensors and gluteals. The extent of muscle damage could include strains, tears or lacerations. Tendons and ligaments associated with above muscles and coxo-femoral, stifle, tarso-metatarsal and phalangeal joints could have suffered injury as well. Skin abrasions support the possibility of muscle injury. Soft tissue swelling, inflammation and edema cam all indicate muscle or soft tissue damage. Joint instability is also a possibility as a result of compromised tendon and ligament function. This could contribute to the non-weight bearing lameness.