Management Plan The foal will be treated with systemic antibiotics for a four to six week period depending on the foalÕs response to the antibiotic therapy. We will be using a potassium penicillin/amikacin combination therapy. The amikacin will be given once daily and the potassium penicillin will be given three times daily. Joint lavage will be done to help remove the products of inflammation. However, antibiotics will not be added to the solution used for the lavage in hopes of avoiding chemical synovitis which is a possible complication. NSAIDs will be prescribed to limit the inflammatory response and reduce pain. The foal should be kept from exercise so that the tissues can heal, but passive motion is important in rehabilitation of the joint and maintaining the range of motion. Once the infectious arthritis has resolved, we will determine if PSGAG or hyaluronan are necessary in the treatment of the joint. The PSGAG is ÒchondroprotectiveÓ, while the hyaluronan helps to ÒnormalizeÓ the synovial fluid and limit the inflammation.