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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LAB 8- Mammary surgery, Surgical Preparation* Nerve Block*, PRE-OPERATIVE Restraint*, GENERAL INFORMATION PREVENTION*, CASE 2: Gangrenous Mastitis* INDICATIONS*, GENERAL INFORMATION CLIENT INFORMATION*, Physical Examination involves Distance Examination, OTHER LACERATIONS includes PARTIAL THICKNESS LACERATIONS*, POST-OPERATIVE includes Complications*, CASE 2: Gangrenous Mastitis* SURGICAL PROCEDURE: MASTECTOMY, CASE 1 Signalment*, GENERAL INFORMATION WELFARE CONCERNS*, Signalment* Physical Examination, PRE-OPERATIVE Surgical Preparation*, MAMMARY SURGERY GENERAL INFORMATION, GENERAL INFORMATION COMPLICATIONS*, Physical Examination involves Hands-On Examination, PRE-OPERATIVE Drugs, Signalment, Physical Examination and Diagnosis for CASE 2, POST-OPERATIVE includes Client Education*, CASE 2: Gangrenous Mastitis* PROGNOSTIC FACTORS*
Physiological Mastectomy
Diagnosis of Gangrenous Mastitis
Prognostic factors
full thickness suture pattern
horizontal-mattress suture pattern
cross mattress sutures
Radical Mastectomy
Cow teat diagram
goat udder diagram
case 1- needle placement for ring block around teat
Lumbar Epidural Nerve Block
ASA Grade
Gangrenous Mastitis
Skin incision
Wound closure
Equipment Table
Routine Distance Examination
Teat Fistula at level of Teat Sinus
deep laceration of teat
Drug Table
Mastectomy in a goat
teat and udder surgery