RECONSIDERATIONS PART C Nutritional Requirements BEE calc: 55.1+(9.6 x 52.3) + (1.8 x 168cm) Ð (4.7 x 82) = 1074 kcal. We decided not to multiply by an injury factor since she is not in a stress state. But we did multiply by an activity level of 1.1 because the range is from 1.0-1.2 and we took the average. This equals 1181kcal. We were givin 1100 kcal as her REE. This makes her REE:BEE ratio 93%. This shows that she is hypo-metabolic. For feeding purposes, we are going to use the BEE. PRO calc: Her euhydrated weight is 52.3 kg and we want to give her 1.0g of protein because she is marasmic and is maintaining her visceral protein stores. This means we will be giving her 52.3 g of protein or just 52 g of protein. We used the RD notebook to determine the CORRECT fluid requirements. We multiplied 25ml (b/c of age) times 52.3 kg and we got 1307.5. We rounded this down to 1300ml. We decided to use regular Osmolite. To determine volume of formula we divided 1181 by 1.06 1181/1.06= 1113 or 1110 ml. Since we are doing intermittent, we divided total volume by 6. 1110/6 = 185 ml every three hours. 185 x 6 x 1.06 = 1177 kcal from formula 185 x 6 x 0.04g = 44.4 g protein This does not give our patient the required protein, so we can add promod. We intend to add 2 scoops of promod total. (we took the difference of the amount from formula from the amount required. This gave us about 8 g deficit, which equals 2 scoops total). For initiation of day 1, we are going to begin at 120 ml q 2 h for two feeding sessions. Then we are going to increase by 60 ml for 3 feeding sessions. For feedings 3, 4, and 5 she will get 180 ml. Then her 6th feeding, which is the end of day one, she will meet her goal. To determine free water, we found that osmolite is made up of 84.1% water. We multiplied 84.1 by the total amount of formula per day. This equals 925 ml of free water. Since her fluid requirement was 1300 ml, we still need to provide her with 375 ml of water. This additional water will be flushed through the tube before and after every feeding session. This means we are dividing 375ml by 12, which equals about 30 ml each time. For monitoring, for the initiation period, we are going to monitor body weight, fluid I/O, bowel function, glucose, electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, Ca, Mg, Phosphorus every day. Following the initiation period, body weight, fluid I/O, and bowel function will be assessed every day. Glucose, BUN, electrolytes, creatinine, Mg, Ca, Phos will be monitored 2-3 times a week. And albumin will be done monthly. Liver tests will be done 1-2 times a week.. FOLLOW UP Since the patient was already on pureed foods PTA, she will not be able to tolerate finger foods. This means that she could possible try pureed foods again, but most likely this will not maintain her nutritional status, therefore a permanent feeding will need to be considered. This also means that we need to consider a permanent route of tube feeding access. We would recommend a long term PEG placement.