Nutritional Requirements For repletion of energy reserves: I would use REE X 1.3 = 1850 X 1.3 = 2400 kcal (This is also 38 kcal/kg, which is also a reasonable level) For repletion of protein: I would use 1.8 g/kg X current weight, 64 kg. 1.8 g/kg X 64 kg = 115 g protein per day. Fluid requirements: 40 cc/kg, which would be ~2560 cc per day. This would be a starting point- He does have a fever, which will increase fluid requirements. Normally, I would calculate 35 cc/kg (or 1.0 ml/kcal administered), but in this case, I will go with the higher estimate and adjust as needed. Depending upon I/O data, changes in fistula output, etc., I might need to adjust this number. There are no renal issues to worry about, so we shouldn’t need to worry about fluid overload at this point- but by the same token, I wouldn’t want to overadminister fluid either. Additional issues to consider: Azulfidine, in addition to causing GI distress, is a folate antagonist- I would be sure to include MVI, including both vitamin B12 and folate. Blood analysis for folate and B12 status might be wise before deciding whether or not to provide a replacement supplementation dose.