God = Man= Family= Fatherland

                      (III- Reform of church. Faith and religion delirium elders or information 5 levels)?)


Life - it last chance, äàðîâàííûé to us                                                       Bell jingling, sky in amber...

Destiny to become by the man.                                                                    Bell  jingling - pleasure in me!

                                      (Áîðèñ Êðóòèåð)                                                   Bell jingling - soul to me has opened.        

 " Do not listen and do not talk to fools -                                                     Bell jingling - it(he) on the sky was floating...

  If itself do not want to become same. "                                                     To a Mountain and grief - all behind.

                         Words ancient                                                                     Bell jingling - happiness in ways!

                                                                                                                     Bell jingling - is angry âñ ¸, away go!

  " … a question of a survival of mankind in                                               Bell jingling - help to reach!

 The nearest future will be put                                                                     Jingling bell - My God, forgive!

With all acuteness(witticism), probability to survive                                   Jingling bell - My God, let!

 At him(it) is very insignificant ".                                                                 Jingling bell - Love in the Christ!

                                                                                                                     Jingling   bell - death on a cross...

                                Â. Ìåæåðèí                                                                                 Àíòîí Warm

                                                                                                                                      November 2000



It is known, that among all these kinds of knowledge most valuable is the self-knowledge. Without understanding it the man can not find pleasure and world. Though the man can achieve   a recognition   and popularity   in   the world, without self-knowledge it(he) will not  find happiness. " Knowledge of Soul ", " Knowledge of the God ", " Spiritual Knowledge " - all  these  expressions mean, that the wisdom gives complete understanding of soul and God. The  self-knowledge   is  a  knowledge, with which help all becomes known. The man having self-knowledge, can be considered know-all.  The human efforts do(make) a first step finding a high rule(situation) of a Deity. God’s Kindness the second factor. Everyone can aspire to   reach(achieve)   self-knowledge.   The men and woman, rich and poor, everyone approach to be executed by a flame   of   spiritual   wisdom.   Many    naturalists    and mathematics, having begun search   by the people by the non-believers,   everyone by the way   came eventually to faith.   In this number(line) Ýéíøòåéí, Rods, Áîð, Îïïåíãåéìåð and other brilliant names. In opinion of the academician Îñèïîâà,   creation anyone grace of scientific system inevitably results in an idea on existence of Absolute life, or God. And we should   not concern contemptiously to Godsearch of the scientists at all, as it the ideology required(demanded) atheistic.  Even  because sincere  faith will not allow the researchers to repeat of awful mistakes of the past, which nearly have not ruined mankind.  After the president of an Academy of sciences the tremendous application has made Âëàäèìèð of Forts: the science should cope by the moral laws. It commandment, which two thousand years back are formulated in Mountainous of the  sermon. Wisely  have  acted(arrived) of physics and astronomers: creating the new theories XX of century, they   directly were guided by  the bible   point  of view about creation of the world.   The theory of   a relativity,   quantum mechanics, hypothesis  of the   large   explosion and ðàçáåãàíèÿ of galaxies, other concepts, as is spoken, doomed on success.   The   next   decades   they   have  received huge quantity(amount) of experimental   acknowledgement(confirmations).   The scientists   were convinced,  that   Bible - source   of true knowledge. It is known, that  the   character   does   not   vary,   but   the   attitude(relation)   of the   man to the character varies only. The people understand each other from a half-word, semiglance and the dialogue passes for a barrier of oral and visual contact to a   level of an information field   of these people. Proceeding from this, it is possible to make a conclusion, that there is a certain information field, whence we scoop knowledge and by means of which is possible(probable) telepathic   contact between the people. But this field is accessible   not to   all and not always, also differs   from a usual  information    database   by    that  it can bear(carry) the information on the future events, but without solidity, because according to " by  a space rhythm " and " universe by  the laws of development " - always it is known, that can take place, but as there is some opportunity  of  a choice, not always it is for certain known: " what exactly, how, where is concrete and when will take place ". As the world(global) history,   creation  in   a separate part of a planet of paradise (economic, political or, for example, information) - idea attractive and simultaneously utopian  shows. Create   all   this   mankind can only together. Life,  death,  immortality - phenomenon of  one order. And if the life is opposite to death, and death - immortality,, hence, life and immortality essence one. From this conclusion  we  can see, that immortality - not with other side for life the category, and is internally inherent in it(her). On the other hand,   the   death  not absolutely externally life, though resists to it(her). Correctly therefore to tell so: the life creates and permits the contradiction between   moratality and immortality. In this formula - general(common) decision of a problem moratality   and  immortality.  It is necessary to live as it is possible longer that alive to transfer the experience to younger generations, that    ancestors and    progeny   (greatgreat-...    The grandfather and greatgreat-...      The grandsons)    had an opportunity of alive dialogue, that there was a situation not changes of generations, and multiplication of generations. The man who has lived up to seventy or eight-ten years,   can   suddenly test alive interest to the world, for only now it(he) knew, that there is a world, that the world can be given and that by(with)   such to be by the man. Each generation in process of development by him(it) of new layers   of  the   information    (in this case such layer - the  theory) makes attempt to explain the worlds and consequently expediently briefly to state the Ì-theory.


                                           Ì-THEORY-MODEL WORD BUILDING

                                                     ÕÎÌÎ ÑÀÏÈÅÍÑ In TEN MEASUREMENTS

                    (Attempt of construction by elementary, but general model WORD BUILDING in light of the Ì-theory)


        The doctor Õóàí Ìàëüäàñåíà has united the string theory with the theory of a field: it(he) used D-áðàíû   for  construction in usual four measurements   of the quantum   theory  of a field and " TEN MEASUREMENTS "   of the   string  theory with five measurements, wrapped up on. The super-string theories on the nature include gravitation, as the accounts,  made  on  their basis, invariable show existence ãðàâèòîíà, weightless hypothetical particle with ñïèíîì, equal 2. Thus, the science  closely has come nearer to the theory of quantum gravitation including all four basic forces of a nature and describing them as  derivative from one primary force. It is represented by extremely   interesting   to construct   on   the   basis   of uniform physical    model   a   general philosophical picture  WORD BUILDING and to look at it(her) from the  point  of view of the inhabitant of one of planets in one of star systems in one of galaxies - man. Certainly,    the   put task  is too great to decide(solve) her(it)    by     one     stroke,    but nevertheless it is necessary with something to begin.    According    to the Ì-theory    we shall construct the elementary circuit of eleven measurements (from zero up to tenth) and, having presented ourselves  in one of measurements, we shall look back on the parties. To make it not so it is difficult, as we actually exist in three-dimensional space designated on the circuit in figure 5.     



                                                                    Fig. 5


    The various levels of    measurements are submitted on the circuit as adjoining concentric circles. Such way of   performance is chosen to show hierarchy of levels: each highest level includes all lower-ranking and adjoins to them by the basis,  as  a matter of fact - penetrates them. For example, object of the second level - the plane - includes  objects  of the first and zero levels - straight linees and points. On the circuit all looks rather simply.   In a reality,   certainly,  the picture is much more complex(difficult). So, space, as environment(Wednesday) of the third level, includes second,   first   and   zero   levels, but their objects - point, straight linees and planes do not exist in our three-dimensional space as such:   if we shall   lead(carry out) through a ruler and pencil on a sheet of a paper a direct line, we shall receive in a result the image of a direct line  on a plane, and rather conditional. It is enough to look at the drawn line in microscope, and she(it) present before us by the strip having certain width, that is   two-measured   by object. But also this two-measured   the object by closer consideration   consists    of three-dimensional   particles   of   graphite - substance which has stayed on a paper from pressing slate of a pencil.   Thus,   we deal   not with real objects of other levels, and with their projection to borders of our level. Everything, that is in other measurements, at our level acts as a matter of fact not by real objects, but symbols. In this sense we is manned in the "holographic" universe named so by analogy  to the hologram - as the three-dimensional image of object on a plane, when the third measurement in system of two coordinates really does not exist, but we can consider object from different directions, as though it(he) actually was    in    three-dimensional    space.    It  is necessary especially to notice here, that in a case with the hologram we deal not with pure(clean) illusion,   and  with an objectively existing projection.

The concept of the holographic universe is extremely important for understanding maximum in relation to ours  of measurements, which existence ïîñòóëèðóåòñÿ by the Ì-theory. According to this concept everything, that contains in certain volume  of space of a highest level,   inevitable proection on lower-ranking levels. Naturally, for us here is important in   what   kind this projection "lie" on our level. Let's try to decide(solve) this task on an example of measurement following that, in which there is our physical body. This measurement - TIME. What we know about this fourth    measurement    everywhere present in our three-dimensional world? Perhaps, absolutely precisely it is possible to assert(approve) one: the time goes   on   direct  of the past to the future. This directed vector as a matter of fact acts by a projection of the fourth measurement to third. Strictly speaking, the time is not fourth measurement, and just his(its) projection to our world.    This   projection   of the   fourth  measurement in ours third appears one-dimensional. By itself unpretentious arithmetics appears: 4-3=1. Let's return to  above-stated arithmetics: whether she(it) testifies to existence of the certain principle of a relativity of higher levels to lower-ranking?   It  is obviously not enough of the two cases, considered by us, (4-3=1 and 3-3=0) for deducing(removing) law,   therefore   for   the answer   to the put   question   we   should consider a projection of the fifth measurement to ours third. What it behind a projection?   How   her(it)   to   isolate   from  set of parameters and phenomena of the world, environmental us?   Whether   there   is   in   our   world  something objective, what it is impossible to define(determine) in spatial and temporary coordinates?   Under   this   definition the INFORMATION approaches. The information is non-material and at the same time penetrates all spheres of space and all intervals of time. Any object and any event comprise the certain information. Structure of object is already information objectively existing in it(him). Similarly  to this, genetic code and instincts of the man - information incorporated in him(it) from birth. Strictly speaking, the man   does not create the new information - it(he) only receives her(it), cooperating with the environmental world. That knowledge    is accessible only to man which exists in a nature. His(its) task - to open them. If the items of information, received by us, do not correspond(meet) to the validity, we speak about " to the incorrect information " - in a context of the given reasonings it is possible  to present such case as the deformed perception(recognition) by the man of a projection of the fifth measurement on our world.  The information is always objective, but the people can differently perceive her(it). The most simple example:  the people  differently see colours, down to partial inrecognize of colour scale daltonic. Summing up foregoing, information - not fifth measurement, and only his(its) projection on lower-ranking  levels, space and time. This projection penetrates all objects of our  material world,   but   does   not exist among us in the pure state. Therefore we should "extract" the information,    entering    in    physical    contact   to  subjects, environmental us, through sense organs. In the fifth measurement all parameters and the characteristics   of   the   same  thing are closely coordinated among themselves in uniform obvious essence (figuratively speaking, one sight on a thing suffices  to receive about it(her) the most complete performance, including its(her) structure and applicability).   Here it is necessary only to note the following important moment: that the projection of the fifth measurement penetrates all objects of our world,  including  a human brain, theoretically probably direct influence of this projection on our consciousness - the   man   receives   remarkable   potential ability to penetrate by reason into essence of things and phenomena! Perhaps, it is enough of above mentioned   examples  and of the proofs for acknowledgement(confirmation) postulation above to law of a   parity(ratio)    of measurements  of a various level: The projection of a highest level to    lowest is realized    in N measurements,    where N is    defined(determined)  as a difference between the orders of levels.

What is on higher measurements? Their projections reach us very weak reflection,   lost   in a mystical  fog. As we about them do not know, is admitted(allowed,allowable) to put forward any hypotheses.   For   example, such:    on   the  sixth measurement is " ïîòóñòîðîííèé the world ". To prove this theorem it is extremely inconvenient, and still...    Obviously,   on   border  of the fifth measurement and sixth there is an area of MYSTICISM - specific information,  which   in our world it is impossible up to the end neither to confirm, nor to deny, as she(it) transference on him(it)   by foggy   light reflected   from the   sixth   measurement   and deformed him(it). There is a natural question: what occurs to the man after death?   In   what   from   measurements   it(he)  gets? Whether it(he) continues to live beyond by life or for ever disappears as the subject? In last variant all is clear,  therefore it(him), perhaps, and it is not necessary to consider(examine).  The greatest interest from the theoretical point of view represents  variant posthumous of moving of the man from one measurement to another. What expects us after  destruction   of  a  body how  three-dimensional object? The facts of returning of the people, taking place at death, testify that after death the man somehow   gets on the sixth level. The nature of such moving is not clear yet, but the result, as is spoken, available: the died man appears above time and information field (fourth and fifth measurements),   that   appears from his(its) ability to see at once all  events of the life and without efforts to learn true.

Is characteristic that the projection of the best level to our world acts seven measurements  (10-3=7).   The    god is to us in seven measurements. Seven - sacred number of all religions. It is considered, that it brings happiness.    Other   aspect is interesting also: the multiregularity of the uniform God supposes existence of several religions, not mutually exclusive. Whether   it   means, what only having learnt seven religions, the man can open secret for family by seales and have a look in the person  seven-dimensional of the God? Six basic directions already exist: èóäàèçì, áóääèçì, êîíôóöèàíñòâî,    christianity,    èñëàì    and    àòåèçì  as an antipode of religion. By everything, the seventh direction should become eclectic to unit others six.   But how   to reconcile  faith with àòåèçìîì? Whether and under force to human reason and heart to contain   in   itself   at once seven  religions? The seventh religion refers to as äèñêîðäèîíèçì. Playfully is a religion computer and äèåíäèøíèêîâ,   which   trust   in   all  gods, but not in uniform Äåìèóðãà. Trust in them, but do not trust them. Also trust in existence all mythial of creations.   At   more   serious level this religion - Technicalreligion, trying to create from the scientific theory   of Chaos   a   new   method,   on which the mysticism works. Òåõíîêðàòû try to pull new wires on curtain of mystical theatre. This religion is characteristic  by all features described in an essay. But she(it) àäåïòîâ does not have such deep theory, which is given by(with) the author.   I.e.  the theory Èâàíöîâà is a powerful key to an explanation äèñêîðäèîíèçìà.   Therefore   he(it)   has chance to become   " great and awful "  Òåõíîìàãîì. His(its) theory at last explains, why the paranormal phenomena it is impossible confirm  by a scientific method.   Because correct information on the paranormal phenomena which are taking place at the sixth level to fix   it is impossible.    Though   to  observe them it is possible. And for this purpose the drugs and alcohol are not obligatory. Enough   to remove(take off)  by effort of will a bias against paranormal of the phenomena and to be very close(attentive). Best - meditation.

   The basic Law of a Nature - its(her) movement to allincrease to perfection. The man – peak  a  part of a Nature (universe)  and consequently is at forward edge(territory) of its(her) development.  The man - microspace   constantly   developing    holographic copy macrocosm - universe. " Gold section " harmonies of the eternal universe is the infinity.   The infinity of the universe should be distributed and to the man - her(it) peak a part. With reference to the man is an  immortality.   The   immortal   man - powerful àíòèýíòðîïèéíûé the factor in the universe, therefore universe applicability of the man and alluniverse  sense of his(its)   life in preservation of eternity of the universe - native house   of the immortal man.    The   achievement   by   the   man  of immortality, releasing(exempting) it(him) for all fears, gives it(him) complete freedom - basis of  complete   happiness,   which  is expressed in complete realization of the increased abilities and opportunities in preservation of eternity of the universe.   It gives   the  basis to assume, that   immortality   of the man   in immortal   Spirit,   which    conceiving   matter at a subatomic power level is,   or    the CONCEIVING ENERGY is simple -! As it is possible to assume a not functioning body under the biological laws disappear,  that 85-90 % of brain structures and ýïèôèç work    on immortality, establishing power    communication(connection)    with    space, make   power formations(educations) and  unusual abilities - potential qualities future(next) not ìèôè÷åñêîãî, and real immortal man. Therefore, as it is offered by me in 1 part, the basic task of mankind is - the creation of such society(community), where the basic values will be only what the God has given to the man proportional to the  Life: life in itself, creativity and love - it work on three directions:

 Development of moral - economic structure of a society(community);  

 Gradual organization of self-management;

Reforming Orthodox, so that the basic moral education of the people and the responsibility for a level of his(its) morals  laid    on church not only before the God, but also before each man. More at the   end of 40 years XX of   century   To. ßñïåðñ  after   the second world war the cycle of works devoted to a problem of nuclear war and the future mankind, and also  analysis of the social and spiritual situation which has been usual in Germany has published. And not once it(he) warned, that the modern   world  is in danger, which was not known by(with) the   past:   the   history   of mankind   can   be   interrupted many thousand years. Before philosophy of our epoch To. ßñïåðñ put a rather responsible(crucial) and urgent task - to convince mankind separate individuals, party(set) and their ideologists that use " of maximum opportunities of human life "   in struggle   from the   captured   people   by despair is urgently necessary. Let's remind   (I a part   of our research Â.Ñ.),   that World(global) Spirit - Energy of the Maximum Order each instant of existence of life on the Earth warns US by HUMAN  victims,   which   hundreds - thousand - millions - tens (hundred) millions … of life grow at each stage of a history - is destroyed by mankind.  But it anything, in comparison with space accidents. The energy   òóíãóññêîãî   of a meteorite  (many times superior capacity of nuclear bombs reset(dumped) in Japan) is probably last prevention(warning) to the people.

      Thus, the basic task of the people is the preservation of life on the Earth - i.e. protection of the   Earth   and  those conditions, which provide life from accidents space and terrestrial. A task of search of places in installed, suitable for life here concerns also, and the development them is by it the man was engaged on the Earth all previous time.   But   the  Earth practically is completely mastered.

   Other task of mankind, without which decision the performance of the first task is not meaningful, is the DEVELOPMENT and ESTABLISHMENT of BILATERAL COMMUNICATIONS(CONNECTIONS)   with   WORLD(GLOBAL)  SPIRIT - Energy of the Maximum Order. The decision of the second task will allow   to understand,   how   it is better   to participate to the people in entering of the contribution into  WORLD(GLOBAL) SPIRIT, will speed up the decision of a task of preservation of life and can make the man immortal.

Having established   hypothetically two basic purposes before mankind - preservation of life on the Earth both DEVELOPMENT and ESTABLISHMENT of BILATERAL COMMUNICATIONS(CONNECTIONS) with WORLD(GLOBAL) SPIRIT - we shall define(determine) morals, without which   can   not   be   and   speech   about CULTURE being the tool of an embodiment of the mechanism of realization of World(global) Spirit.

  Thus, my  the offer   in a part   of a moral   status   of a human society(community)   is briefly reduced to the following. That the mankind has survived,   it is necessary   to be united for   the decision    of tasks    of preservation   of life    in the   universe  both DEVELOPMENT and ESTABLISHMENT of BILATERAL COMMUNICATIONS(CONNECTIONS) with WORLD(GLOBAL) SPIRIT.

      But, the creation of a new society(community)  IS IMPOSSIBLE  without reforming church so that the basic moral education of the people and responsibility for a level of   his(its) morals and first   of all of government officials, laid on church both  before the God, and before each man. From the social point of view the religion represents more   complex(difficult)  phenomenon, than science. At each of great historical religions there are three elements: 1) church, 2) âåðà, 3) code of personal morals.




The religion is a mirror of soul of the given people                        

Honour life - unique(sole) religion. (Scottish proverb)


Let's result some opinions that the RELIGION is necessary to understand a word.


1. The religion (religio) … that should be clean and reverently render to the gods, it is meaningful, if only they notice it and   if  is to a sort human from the immortal gods certain due. … Not only philosophers, but   also ancestors   ours    did(made)   distinction between religion and superstition. …    just    as it is   necessary to   distribute and to   support religion,   which   is combined with knowledge of a nature, so the superstition should be pulled out with all by his(its) roots. (Öèöåðîí)

2. The religion is a communication(connection) with the God by means of áëàãî÷åñòèÿ. (Ëàêòàíöèé)

3. On the most ancient and accepted explanation the religion is mutual relation between the God and man.   (Complete  orthodox theological encyclopaedic dictionary)

4. Religion - communication(connection) with Maximum, with Sacred, openness and trust to it(him), readiness to   accept  as  the managing beginnings of the life that proceeds from Maximum and opens to the man at meetings with it(him). (Ë.È.Âàñèëåíêî)

3. … we shall understand religion faith in existence of Intelligence or extraman   of   Intelligence,   which   do not depend   on the material mechanism of a brain and nerves, and which can render more or  less strong influence  on destiny of the people and on a nature of things. (Ý.Ëýíã)

4. We understand religion all those phenomena, which differ from others  (ethical, aesthetic, political and them(him,it) similar) as religious, i.e. all in what the   man    expresses    faith in supernatural   force   and   that it(he)     does(makes)     to    support    the communication(connection) with it(her). The practice practise witchcraft and spells  here, strictly  speaking, does not concern … (Ê.Òèëå)

5. I can not find expressions better, than "religion" for a designation faith in a rational nature of a reality, at least of its(her) that part, which is accessible to consciousness. There, where there is no this feeling, the science degenerates in fruitless empiricism. (À.Ýéíøòåéí)

    6. … religion and scientific socialism, communism, are absolutely incompatible, as are incompatible  faith and knowledge. (È.Ñòåïàíîâ)

7. The religion is âåðà in human hearts. (W.C.Smith)

8. The religion acts as system âåðîâàíèé, " empirical and value ", as against science, " empirical and invalue ". They are resisted ideology as "empirical and öåííîñòíàÿ " and philosophy as " empirical and not - value " by(with) systems of sights. (Ò.Ïàðñîíñ)

9. The specificity of religion consists not simply available in consciousness of images and performances about supernatural  (such images can be present and at not religious consciousness,  for example   in   pieces   of art), and in  faith   in   supernatural. … the Believing man not only trusts in real existence of supernatural forces and essences,   it(he)   trusts   that these forces and essences can affect his(its) life, his(its) destiny. Therefore it(he) aspires as to influence supernatural essences, coax   them.    (Theory   and practice scientific atheism)


                                           THE RELIGION is an EXPERIENCE

      At the end of life the man should introduce in consciousness great ideas found by him(it) in life, great     feelings   peculiar  to it(him) - the manual of the Indian wise men was those. They did not require(demand), that the man should recollect mistakes and miscalculations accomplished in life, inevitable and inherent by all.   The    wise   men   asserted(approved),  that  the man should always realize the reality and be involved in contemplation of its(her)   greatness   and   glories.  In it, they spoke, greatest step to progress. The time of creation of religions by narrow group far from science eye-doctor   has   passed. Now   in   it   the powerful collectives of a scientific widest structure are engaged. In California the   whole   university  faculties and the laboratories collect anyone let even the most fantastic religious material with the purposes    of    a   presence(finding)    of elements,     suitable    for òðàíñïëàíòàöèè in new American false religion. Today countries - leaders on formation of new religions XXI of   century   is   a India together with Japan, where never was one gad.   Behind   them   are pulled   USA,   which  compensate lack of the religious knowledge by engineering, by science and organization and aspire to steal another's knowledge and to use them in   the purposes. In the following table we shall result the positive and negative statements about religion and her  of a role   in  life    of   a society (community). Here we shall state and   our  opinion on to   what basic   requirements   there should correspond(meet) religion for performance   of the purposes   facing   to mankind   of preservation   of    life in the   universe and   DEVELOPMENT and   an ESTABLISHMENT of BILATERAL COMMUNICATIONS(CONNECTIONS) with WORLD(GLOBAL) SPIRIT.



       " So, äîêîëå there is a time, we shall do(make) kindness by everything... " Ãàë 6:1




             MY OPINION

The religion is a sincere status,  in   which are mixed shame and pride of the man for itself. (Ãåíðèõ Ãåéíå)

     Live itself and give to live to  another - one of ancient pagan   of   principles,   on which lives    pagan.   Pagan   does      not interfere in    a society(community)        in quality " only of correct ideology "; pagan does not offer anybody   " one way "     to something. Pagan   the Philosophy insists, that     ANYONE öåðêîâü\ðåëèãèÿ\êîíôåññèÿ\èäåîëîãèÿ should be separated from the state.    ALL religions should be equal in rights    before the Law, the authority should be    ONLY society. If monoideologies (èóä.,   õðèñò., èñë., êîìì., ôàø....) call the citizens "  to not think, and TO TRUST ", Pagan      the Philosophy,      opposite(on the contrary), calls the citizens " TO THINK, instead of to trust ", she(it) considers(counts), that it is necessary to raise literacy of the people in all areas of   life    and to    learn(teach) them to     concern    cautiously    to ANY theory applying    " to make happy ALL " .È The true Religion worries, that the man should     be    not    tempted  with an only rational way.     You see then direct - soul and heart - feel of the God can appear for the man "     for   family  by seales ". If to aspire to high-grade life, it is necessary to answer the put question negatively. Religions will not do without. Atheism   is too âåðà. Âåðà that the god is not present. Whether   whether    the    question     " is possible     to    do    without  religions " is equivalent   to a question " it is possible to do   without   communication(connection) with space forces, without communication (connection) with the Gods ".   Outside of this communication(connection)   the  life of the   man   is   defective.   The religious feeling    is    inherent    in   the   people. It accompanies   with   the  people during all human history.  If this feeling to not direct to a constructive   channel,   the  mankind can not    normally develop. If not to offer to the people of reasonable religions, they become property such satanic of religions, as a christianity,   or   it(him)  similar. The religions    are   necessary   first   of all for complete    interpretation.    Any scientific thinking can not exist without religions. In the   base   of   scientific thinking religious models, ideas  and   postulates always lay. Simply    by    many scientists they are not perceived    as   religious by virtue of their religious semi-literacy.   The  idea of huge importance   is   an idea of FREEDOM of WILL of the man. This idea not scientific, but only religious. Without this idea   it  is impossible    to construct    an     adequate picture universe  morals.   Without  moral principles determining corrected   of good behaviour      of     the      man in a society (community),     a      normal          society (community) will not construct.  However ethical norms whence   should  undertake. Why to steal poorly, and  be honour well? You    will     tell,    what    it follows from practical experience of the people?     Not similar.       It      owes  occur  from      the religious doctrine, which certainly     itself should be pragmatic. Besides the    life - is struggle,     but    in   any civilized struggle

there should     be rules:          both solved

and forbidden. They should copy out, and

the     people      should by him(it) follow.

Besides the forms of struggle can be very different. There    can be a war all against all. And there can be and    cooperation, a love, association. It too form of    struggle for a survival, for the best life. The idea is very important to love the   people and to be able to forgive them.     Yes,   people - imperfect creations, in them it  is a   lot of bad, but other people on    ground   is not present. Also it is necessary to be  able to love them by such, what they are,  and to be able to forgive them     their   mistakes

and bad acts. It is very    important.    But

whence this idea can expire?  Again from

the religious     doctrine.    And, certainly,

this idea not by the Christ is    thought up. Certainly, it is not necessary     to     build illusions. Never on general   philanthropic morals lived, do not live and ALL  people on ground will not     live. The      masters, gangsters and sheats all ìàñòåé   will  live always under other laws. Never   of    any ideal Paradise on ground will be. Nevertheless,  the     presence in a society (community)      of       positive       morals reduces       quantity(amount) sheats   and bastards, softens    life     on     ground and does(makes) life by more friendly   for the man. However on   one love to the people normal life will not construct. In life to all is hear  a place: both love,   and hatred. It is necessary to be able to love      that it is possible to love, and it is necessary   to be able to hate what to love it is   impossible, that it is     necessary     to    hate.   Not all

people can be loved and not   always they

can be forgiven.   The    religions,   except

for function of the     description   of    the

world, carry out also very important     for

mankind practical function – function   of psychological mobilization and support of the person. As to religion that here again " western Europeans for a long time already have understood to    themselves,    that in religion the will, discipline and theological proof should dominate. The  independent, free boiling of feelings and    undbridle of personal opinions only     undermines and destroys religion... ..

 And if the church wants to  be poferfully,

 she(it) should  remove heart from religion

" the   Declaration   on a role of religion in assistance to culture of the world   we, the participants of meeting " the  Contribution of religions to culture    of    the    world ", organized UNESCO    and   Êàòàëîíñêèì

by the centre of  UNESCO and December

12-18, 1994, holding in Barcelona,   being

 are deeply anxious With a    present  rule (situation) in the world, namely growth of the armed conflicts and violence, poverty, social    injustice     and structures     of an oppression,    recognizing, that the religion has the important value in life of the man, we declare: the RESPONSIBILITY RELIGION

1. On our societies(communities) faith the duty   lays    to       encourage   behaviour, penetrate    with     wisdom,   compassion, ability to be divided, charity,      solidarity and live, inspiring     everyone    and     all together to select a way   of freedom  and responsibility. The religion should serve a source of having energy.

2. We shall remember    that our religions should not    be   identified   with political, economic or social forces,   it is necessary to them to keep freedom for      service to business of validity and world. We should not overlook(forget), that êîíôåññèîíàëüíûå political modes   can put the large damage to religious    values and society(community).       We   should distinguish fanaticism       from    religious diligence.

3. We shall promote the world,   rendering counteraction to    the     tendencies of the separate     persons       and          societies (communities)     considering(counting) or even preaching, that   the superiority over others is inherent in them.   We recognize and we welcome not violent peacemaker. We deny murder in a name of religion.

4. We shall promote      development     of dialogue    and consent   between religions and   within the framework   of   religions,     recognizing and       respecting search    of true      and             wisdom outside of our religion. We  shall establish dialogue with everyone,      who           aspires to      true friendship on    our    terrestrial   way. CALL  BE GUIDED   in   ours    faith, we shall be engaged by creation of culture  of the world     based     on   a   nonviolence, tolerance, dialogue, mutual understanding and validity. We address to   institutes   of our civil society(community), to system of Organization of the Incorporated Nations, governments,    governmental    and     not governmental organizations, corporations and    mass    media    with   an   appeal to strengthen their   adherence to business of the world and to listen to a vote of victims and wretched.  We address with an appeal to unit efforts        of various religions and cultural traditions and    to cooperate with us in distribution of the      message of the world. Ñàè Áàáà    has    come    to    unit mankind in one brotherly     family. It(he) learns(teaches), that    it   will  take place, when the mankind will understand     and realizes, that the man is pure(clean) spirit, and it(he) as a matter of fact   goden.  Ten rules:

1. Esteem as sacred ground, on which you were born, be patriots   of the   nation, but do    not    criticize   and do not     respond disapprovingly about other nations.   Even in ideas and dreams you should not  cause evil the country.

2. Respect equally all religions.

3. Realize     a brotherhood   of the people and address   with all as with the brothers. Love all.

 4. Contain the dwelling in  cleanliness, as it supports hygiene and    health,   helping you.

5. Practise   charity, but do not encourage beggars with      distribution     of   money. Provide    with    their    food, clothes and roof. Help them by other ways, but do not encourage laziness.

6. Never take and do not give   bribes. Do not allow to triumph of corruption.

7. Curb  envy and   jealousy;   expand  the outlook and    insight.    Address with    all equally, irrespective of social and caste of an accessory(belonging) and creed.

8. Do(make) all, as far as  it   is   possible,   even    if you are rich and have ïðèñëóãó. Serve to a society(community) personally.

9. Develop love to the God,    avert   from sin.

10. Never go against   the    laws of      the   state.   Diligently follow their  letter    and spirit.



The god and religion - thing      different: the    god - light of hope,           religion - gloom of a hopelessness. (Í.Âåêøèí) Ôðèäðèõ Íèöøå:        " Christian is and hatred to spirit:     to pride,        courage, freedom,     free-thought;     hatred      to feelings,     to     sensual    pleasures,   to pleasures    in    general - too    christian. "... At ìîíîòåèñòîâ all it is "     "a little" differently - those aspire       "to rescue", " to direct    on     a way    true    " and " to    illuminate      by         light      of the wisdom " someone (or "all"),   not being especially        set   a    question "     and whether others  WANT to be rescueed?  Whether  " from something and " others WANT  to     be illuminated     by SUCH   (light) ". Notice,   that  in  a       word "to rescue"        there       is     an element of aggression, violence...      It is impossible    to hope for paradise      of   one  religion,      not risking to get         in a hell all others.      (Æþëüåí äå Ôàëêåíàðå)        the Great     opponent     of a     christianity - Íèöøå    not only       has       broken    in a dust a christianity,    but, trying to find the best religion, has    not       found      anything constructive,       except      for   religion äîñîêðàòîâñêîé             of        Greece. Everywhere:    Both   in èñëàìå,  and in áóääèçìå, and in the legislation    Ìàíó it(he) finds out ëîæü. Íèöøå    even  of the beginnings to build classification   of religions to an attribute  " for the sake of what lie in each   given     case " and " in what this false   results    subsequently ". The   criticism   Íèöøå      is  strong and is great,   though      and      not    always unargue. When     ancient   jews     copy    out   pagan           precept         at àðèåâ,   borrowed   them not one for  one,     and    came        "creatively", somewhere them changed,        "improved" and deformed,    including          throwing       out the very    important   clauses.     This bible precept  " not óáèé " at àðèéöåâ sounds so: " not óáèé without emergency ".   At àðèåâ it is much wiser, though,   certainly, in this form precept  more    difficultly and it is required to       think by an     own head, when there     have come(stepped) these extreme circumstances,  and when there is no.     As the     Jews on clever did not expect, they    have   decided(solved) to bring in    complete     clearness. In their variant       " not      óáèé "       complete definiteness to think   it is not necessary, but the contents is sillier. Absolute    it is easier    and certain,    but    the    life   is complex(difficult) and in     absolute hee will not squeeze, it is necessary how    to stipulate a context. Besides in real    life, how many people live, so       much they break this çàïîâåäü and.    All    precept should     have    one   general(common) principle:   the actions of the man should be adequate   to a vital situation.   But  it is very        general(common),  principle, poorly    determined       and    difficultly  understood for the silly man.     It(him) it is necessary copy out   for   the     simple  people on all basic    situations.    Èèñóñ Õðèñòîñ kills in the man all     alive, and first of all will to        life,     respect   for   itself,  reliance of own forces,     honour,      feeling     of    human   advantage.   Who   it(he) such? What for it(he) does(makes)   it???   The   solution     Èèñóñà    of   the   Christ is simple. Èèñóñ Õðèñòîñ is  only one      of      names    of a devil. A result        Christian   æèäîëþáèÿ (èóäîôèëüñòâà)           is          complete îãëóïëåíèå íååâðååâ and       loss      by them of own national consciousness,      national     spirit   and national       attitudt     to  the world.  All religious organizations exist by  that that sell     itself      to the richmen.  Äæîðäæ Áåðíàðä Øîó       Tolerant     inevitably conducts to indifference. Äåíè ÄèäðîÿI read    the     criminal code and      Bible.   Bible - severe     book.        Can be, most severe,    which was ever written. Æîðæ Ñèìåíîíâ     the   majority, any religion forces an essence to submit to   silly and absolutely     unnecessary        rules. The worship always includes     elements   of belittling  itself  before object of worship and frightened    or    enthusiastic eulogy it(him)    in any    form; the worship also always includes an     obvious priority of the purposes of object of worship before personal;     the worship is a tendency to refuse independence      of the person, to merge     "ÿ"      with      somebody    and something    external    thus to find force missing to the individual. The reasonable and independent person does not require all it. In general, ANY religion is absurd. Christianity – religion      basing on faith, and ÿçû÷åñòâî, or âåäèçì  (from a word âåäà - knowledge), about which we shall talk below, - is based on real knowledge, which are possible to check up. The real knowledge    does     not require in faith. And doctrines. And,      at last, second: a civilization èåðàðõàìè     church, which were as though spiritual   pastors ~   and ïàñòâà, and the trust was given to  them special ~ " to whom more   trust,    from those it is more also        demand ". And they,          having              changed idea âñåî÷èùàþùåãî,    æèâîòâîðÿùåãî of fire of Space        Love          by       idea sin,    Terrible    court ~ the  people   are intimidated, drivt in this plan on a planet ~ have    left    in      completely     other direction. They did not clarify, prepared and pleased, because that refers to as as the end of light, actually it is the  end of darkness will be.    With    pleasure  it is necessary to wait for this day:   you  see what pleasure to reset(dump) from itself tons    of a     dirty(dirt),    thin, invisible dirty(dirt),      cargo it, and enter already the New world cleared!The organization of the Incorporated Religions is created. By its(her) main    chiefs     from   world (global)     backtage      of steel åïèñêîï American åïèñêîïàëüíîé of church In. A swing and former general      secretary        ÖÊ ÊÏÑÑ     m.     Ãîðáà÷åâ      (last, in particular, has given for this purpose the employees). Destructive    of the    great country Ãîðáà÷åâ has acted  with idea " of global brain trust " – elite managment - for maintenance of     a    management (manual) of mankind. The  main subject of a forum was search of effective ways of the control above the    population by regulation it(him)    with    the    help  of religious    organizations.    The sense of many     performances(statements)  was those:    the surplus of the world(global) population   threatens to well-being " of gold billion mankind",and consequently the population should      be     reduced.  Instead of national religious   ethics   on the second World forum      the ideas of global ethics - certain set   of   the basic values divided(shared) by world(global) religions are put forward. The ethics this äåìîíñòðàòèâíî are     opposed to nine çàïîâåäÿì   of bliss  given Èèñóñîì by the Christ.    As    the    former assistant Ãåíñåêà     ÎÎÍ ìàñîí Ð has declared. Ìþëëåð, "     each    generation should decide(solve),    that is correct and that false&.    The   science (not religion) is necessary    to us to define(determine), that is good and that poorly. The ethics in time    are    necessary   to us: that is correct    today,    can    be  incorrectly tomorrow ". Ìþëëåð " recommends to each nation to found a commission on ethics for the    control    of  all ethical aspects". World(global)        backstage offers to unite the   people       of     all religions      on  principles ìàñîíñêîãî agreement,and everyone,who does not divide  (share) it    (him)    to     isolate. Åïèñêîï the    Swing, for   example, is open     has    proclaimed,     that  " the Organization    of    the     Incorporated Religions    will    be  a symbol  that the people     faith       divide(share)    deep conviction  in interrelation all       truth, and it is necessary to   aspire     to   this unity ".    Deeply     naturally,   that the project    of creation of Organization of the    Incorporated     Religions       was

prepared   by Fund    Ãîðáà÷åâà.    The name it îòùåïåíöà, destroyed the great country, betrary   the people, became in Russia   an    eternal    symbol      èóäû-traitor. Whom, as not        it(him), world (global) çàêóëèñà could charge    with a task     of     formation   of organization, overall    objective - with which to force the peoples of the world   to refuse from the religions    to    betray      faith of the fathers, having   replaced its(her) certain universal principles  of the world(global) architect    of    the    universe    to.  The mystical    sense   of destructive mission Ãîðáà÷åâà   in Russia has received new world continuation.    The    religion is a bargain: execute table    of     rules   and receive from a shelf a pie).    So,    what "religion" enters into   concept?    What includes this term? Religion = dogma + worship + ceremony + interdiction    to joke [above listed].




I understand RELIGION    as table of moral rules, which are  received from experience   of   all   previous generations   of   the people. These rules are constantly  supplemented, thus,   allowing    RELIGION      to render     the    fastest    action   on formation    of     opinion     of   the majority,     weights,   all     society (community),there is nothing more effective,   as religion, and with the help of hatred to egoist  to  desires, eminence   of   beauty,   boon   and perfection   of   altruistic   desire of feedback.  Therefore,      naturally, without   RELIGION   of  a normal human    society(community)   will not    construct.    On   my sight the most    acceptable    idea  for faster development     of         a     society (community), his(its)   survival and certainly     for    a  raising is strong shake    of   authority    of   religion – faith  in GOD - CHURCH,     the idea of     UNIFORM    religion,  in which basis    is  necessary concept about  participation all alive and all reasonable    to       formation      of complete spiritual  organization   in scale of all universe.   On   the first sight it seems impossible. How, at prospective variety of the forms of life    in     the    universe  and their remoteness    from    each other on distances, which any signal will not overcome, it is   possible formation and     existence     of    a   spiritual generality? On what principles this generality will   be    based,    what values will profess?  The principles of uniform religion should be close and     be     clear  to any carrier of Reason, because they will take  his beginning in the advanced spiritual concepts, birth   by any civilization and most   full responding to needs (requirements)   of   the reasonable subject.   In   general interaction of metaphysical   area     (information field)    with     an    alive  matter is realized,   most likely,         through occurrence    at    last      of   needs (requirements). In due   course,  at kept    isotope,     the uniformity of metaphysical    area,    as    against uniformity   of    a    matter,  grows (simplified   example   to   that can serve ìîíîòåèçì, come on change pagan and ïîëèòåèçìó).    It    can mean, that "uniformity" of spiritual needs(requirements)    and    grows that such category as  absolute true will have the same  contents in any part of the universe.   And the idea will mean   everywhere  one: all of us together, but in  view of general model word/universe in light of the Ì-theory,   are that    each   of   us names   as   the God. If to take into account wave performance   of the universe (all truth), it is possible to assume,   that   the  birth   of   new religion   at   the   certain   stage of development    of     a      planetary civilization    is     not     obligatory. Faster, law    is    the    synthesis of advanced   religions.   And   really, certainly, from the certain share of reserve,   we    can    attribute  to a Christianity,  Èñëàìó,   Èíäóèçìó – three   most widespread religions three    directions    of     the    new ideological - religious  concept.   Based      on       complex(difficult) ïîëèòåèçìå        national        faith Èíäóèçì has toleration,addressing to a unification    in    philosophical ìîíîòåèçìå. Suffer reformation the Christianity, became religion "òåõíîãåííîãî"  of   a    society (community). And Èñëàì   from it(him) faith in predetermination, reflects order of all displays word well-known, that  depending on a recognition or non-recognition of freedom   of  will all religions and the   philosophies are divided into two   parts. There, where freedom of   will    admits:   is   not present ôàòàëèçìà,   is   not  present rigid äåòåðìèíèçìà,   there   is no rigid law,   the   consciousness   actively influences     life,   there    is       no inevitable     insuperable    destiny, there is    freedom, man - mini-god. There,  where freedom of will does not    admit, - there  ôàòàëèçì, the insuperable   destiny, rigid law, life defines(determines) consciousness, freedom is not present, man - slave goden    or    of  commynist  screw. Does    not    cause doubts, that the speech can go    only    about  such religion,    where      there      is     a recognition     of    freedom of will. Generalizing    above-stated    it   is possible    to    offer    three    basic periods of creation of  Religion   of Reason (PP):

I.Ïîáåäà        Of     reason        the representatives     all           without exception     of      religions  should AGREE,     that    the mankind can survive and come to the GOD only by    peace     way     of creation of religion of reason.   Therefore they could     generalize     positive  and negative     experience      of    real influence    of     the    religion on a society(community),    give       the offers   for use it(him) at formation ÐР   and    constantly    participate during     creation  of the first level ÐÐ- of synthesis  of religions of the world (ÐÑ).

II. LIFE    ON    RELIGION      of SYNTHESIS - AS an  intermediate stage of creation of RELIGION of REASON. An overall objective  of this stage should be   education  of the    clergymen     responding   all requirements ÐР   and   capable to introduce    hee    in     a     society, (community,) capable

III.LIFE    ON       RELIGION   of REASON    an     establishment by each man   of contacts between all by 10  levels, and all of us together become   that  each of us names as the God.     








 Faith - basis spirtial. Therefore it is natural, that the new spiritual society(community) can     not without it(her) do without. New spirtial should lean(base) on any faith. What such faith? In Roman is told, that through âåðó we were justified before the God for our sins and steel right before it(him) and have received the world with the God through Èèñóñà of the  Christ. And through faith we have received access to bltssed, in which we cost(stand) and we are praised firm  of Glory God.    In the world is totaled more 300 so-called "faith" christian, that is confession, äåíîìèíàöèé.

     Three bases for distribution faith:  à) satisfaction desirable - similarly to a finding of freedom, compensation. Compensation of the people - in sensation of the greatness;

   á) belief, proof - that there is no other opportunity for existence in this world;

   â) distribution, advertising, belief. Faith - status of mind(wit),    which    can be developed    in will     with    the help of thirteen principles, for with application of these principles she(it) only the known method of the realized perfection   of    feeling faith - to drive in it(him) in subconsciousness, as it is done(made) by(with) the priests. In this connection   it is   possible    thik   above  the formula: all ideas, which can be submitted at a sensual level (in sensations),       provided    that   they are involved on faith, begin immediately materiality. Feelings faith, love and sexual feeling in connection with an impulse think do(make) them incomparably by more viable, than they could be, taken in themselves.  " Faith      is such    status    of consciousness,   which can be caused by autohyonosis. Faith - the unique(sole) intermediary, with which help is possible to use space forces of Maximum Reason.






             MY OPINION

  The love, from the point of view personalistov,  is most adequately opened in faith.    Therefore faith the major role in cognise  process belongs.          " The       Involved knowledge,  - emphasizes.   

 Ëàêðóà, - has an old and perfect name - faith". Personalists  aspire to prove, that faith   enters    by a necessary  compound component into     everyone       cognise    the certificate (act).   She(it) precedes knowledge, is the driving    reason and ultimate   goal  of knowledge. There is no      love to the Father - there will be no love    to the Son. First precept - base faith/  Faith is the     realized       model    of the, especially personal   performance about the world and   role of each man     on     a   vital way. Faith is individual, as  she(it) is realized at a level of own    experience    and spiritual. Under spiritual  we  shall understand     traditionally    some cumulative         property          of consciousnesses                 uniting intelligence,    talents, ability, and also morals of the person. Faith as the      form     of     existence and development    spiritual     defines (determines) vital strategy, which is realized    depending on natural given of the man. Faith is primary and does not require(demand) the proofs of the reliability as against knowledge. It is possible   to   tell, that in it(her)   the primary source of    freedom     and    democratic, connected with an opportunity of renunciation       or        its    (her) development     is      incorporated depending      on        the    special circumstances     of     a vital way, comprehension and acceptance of the new information. Faith   there is an event, in which is  overcome to be gone between the  man  and Creator, and they enter the friend into the friend.   The   consent on faith     in    any    way is a simple susceptibility. It not passivity, and action.      Faith     there   is a will, direct  on area of knowledge. In it its(her)  difference from the usual intellectual     certificates(acts), to anything of a not obliging and not requiring(demanding) victim. Not casually @ this word occurs from ñàíñêðèòñêîãî         "âàð" - æàð, fervour. Spiritual  in   this or  that measure is inherent in each   man, and its(her) growth    is    possible (probable) only on    the   basis of the Maximum laws dialectics,   on which all     world   develops. The laws dialectics everywhere     also are      firm,       they      leave  for frameworks of     every    possible philosophies and religions,  and it, if it is necessary, there is a highest Level by ours, human, faith. Hardly the level faith,    produced base or is below located,  as them name,     spiritual      philosophies, which are  transferred(handed) to the people    on    the certain time intervals   -   FAITH,    in view of traditions     and     customs of the peoples. To them concern known christian,           ìóñóëüìàíñêàÿ, áóääèñòñêàÿ   and other spiritual philosophies.                   The base philosophies represent    steadiest for    comprehension  information structures, on the basis   of which thousands years develops spiritial of all mankind. The main duty by everyone new faith- create of the new people.




Faith      is    a   means for deceive of the fools.  The religion             is            a communication     facility with the Gods. It is better to know, that you nothing know, than to trust. There is no more humiliating for the man, than    to submit to authority of force. The members of a        society (community)     of      l ast generation not be poor  in courts.But if there will be any case, it    is necessary to choose from  comrades had     been guilty, able to conduct conversation and dispute,           for         an explanation of preference of   the personal purposes to     the      purposes  of a society(community), until will    return    it(him)    in build.   And    if   will  get especially persistent,    on which   any belief will not work,    is     obliged to be discharged    of him(it) all society(community),     as from leprose,  yet will not compel   it(him)   by such attitude(relation)   to take up    laws.     The      same dangerous   of all reigning lie  is sacred consecrated, privileged     false, - false, being for all by   a pattern of the truth. She(it)  bring other      general mistakes and    errors.       She(it) is hydrahead    a            tree nonsense with  thousands by   roots.      She(it)   is a crawfish     of    a  society (community)!     êîè  will define(determine) its(her) freedom,    will    move to material success  and will bring down rusty bolt and circuit of   dead   customs interfering             healthy development.             The theories     and            the ideas meaning life,   hope and    freedom   for     our ancestors, now can  mean destruction,  enslavement and disgrace for us! Faith in the god is  freedom  or slavery?   Whether   it  is possible to agree that any religion - faith this feeling preaches? Is not  present! Faith   is            convince. Convinced - slave   of the belief.   Whether    it    be religion   or  commynism. The man recognizes,  that it(he)   the  slave  already because   agrees        with presence    of    the  state, retaliatory         institutes, laws,    orders,     defects, crimes, punishments   and e.t....    The    man       the slave, even because it(he) is mortal, because    it(he) the altruist, because it(he) is ready   to   endow itself (himself)    for the sake of idea, because   it(he) does not    love   itself(himself) and    does not appreciate the   life,    because it(he) risks,    because    it(he) is capable     to      violence, because   it(he)   is  rough and it(he)    is     silly, and consequently,    that     an idealist...


          Understanding,     that     faith   is a communication (connection), it is a threshold, behind which the reason is powerless also logic it does not work, pointer  of the God on object of religion.   Not   so   it  is important - whether someone trusts, important,    in    what     it(he)  trusts. To anything to trust in the God,  not knowing and not seeing, it is possible to   trust   only in idea, in the same kindness, and the God will bypass and without faith   in him(it). All creeds, asserting(approving) traditions, all equally adhere to the certain set of ideas,  which   are always declared in case of necessity, but depart on     the second plan during rituals preist. Recognizing,    that FAITH    is   one  of the major intermediaries, with   which    help it  is  possible to establish      communication(connection)     with      space   forces    of     Maximum   Reason, it  is offered to use this  opportunity at creation faith   so that to    decide(solve) a problem of a survival of mankind    and    to enable begin that each of us names as the  God.   The    basic Law of a Nature – its (her) movement to  all    grow to   perfection. Therefore FAITH  too should   constantly be improved. It is possible,    that    the time has come, when     from   set existing on the Earth faiths  to create uniform, and   again    arising  faith could improve    (to supplement)    Uniform     Faith - UF.   Uniform  Faith - UF     should      completely    exclude    all     existing     at   various faith   the negative    phenomena,      such      how:- false;  - authority of force; - humiliation   of  human advantage;  substitution faith of knowledge   and    love; -inveterate. All these       defects     should in UF firmly be condemned     and   be  eradicated only by    belief      without application of violence.    The base faith should    be  LOVE and knowledge.     THERE      IS     NO  LOVE - IS NOT PRESENT In Å Ð Û! THERE    IS    NO   KNOWLEDGE - IS NOT PRESENT  HUMAN   FAITH!    Understanding, that faith is primary, I consider (count)  she(it) has the rights on existence, if is based   on     knowledge and only small part faith can include elements    of  the unexplored phenomena,    but   it  is   necessary to contain and to permit: = the individuality,   as    FAITH is realized at a level of   own    experience    and spiritual; =       determine    Vital strategy,   which   is realized depending on natural given  of the man; =do of the    man    free and democratic;   =bring     in      the    man SPIRITUAL  and WILL;    = allow the man with  with age to become wise, since     the     wisdom     is   not a   miracle    of a genetic heredity, it is constant  work directed on increase by love in the soul, direct   to maximum    understanding of sense of human life during all    life.     Such internal installation allows if not   to   proceed(pass)  on spiritually qualitative a highest level at least to come    off an average level and to leave on higher step      of  knowledge of the world. To execute     the     function     of a basis of a new means of indemnification,  faith    should      correspond(meet) to a number  (line) of        conditions   (or as much as possible come nearer to them):

1.     Faith       should    be      acceptable     to    the overwhelming majority of the people.

2.     Faith    should   be uniform. Criterion of utility and viability UNIFORM FAITH   can  be tests it   by   the   certain     structure   of the honour people on immediate   material      of        ideas submitted     at   a sensual level (in sensations), provided that they are involved  on faith. Thus it      is    necessary    to take into account, that feelings faith,      love     and   sexual feeling in connection     with  an impulse think do(make) them incomparably by more   viable, than they could be, taken in themselves.   The main duty by everyone new    faith – grow   of   the   new people, considering, that the Laws   faith,   the religions should be    identical to all word: à) to work only for the     sake    of   others, will not disappear    yet    in  the world hungry; b) most productive    and      useful    receives  no more unluckiest;)          though   is faith, but society, (community,)    bringing    the large advantage, (benefit,) the  distinction   is given out, and the was   more      distinguished,    the   the greater distinction     receives;    c) everyone  lazy will receive punishment;      d) Everyone is obliged work hard to   lift   a standard of living all over the   world  ever more and more, that all in the world  enjoyed fruits of his(its) work;

å) spiritual, as against material, not all are obliged to be engaged, but only special in the first period formation ÅÂ, and further - ALL; æ) to create maximum court, at which everyone wishing to apply(put) the abilities and knowledge in spiritual work, will be obliged to receive the sanction to it.










 And how many it is necessary of Churches on blood,

To understand, having rejected away false,

That deadly faith without love,

As the love without faith does not rescue also!


Church faith . Church, as organizational structure is certainly necessary.   The people need around of something to be  united. It is important only, that the church did not become a means of someone's    tactical progress or suppression another.    If  church faith  , only as institute and explorer of religion faith  is necessary. Rituals and rite   is no more, than    game     reserve within the framework of an establishment of the schedule. Somehow you see it is    necessary to consecrate    marriages(spoilage),    to mark      birthes, soothe died. And rite  the deprivations of virginity    probably would need to be made solemnly and beautifully in church, than in the company any pimpled   of    the    monster    temporarily which has deserved trust. In modern conditions, taking    into account experience of the past, aspiration to use of integrating function   of religion in mutual relation     the     Church - state can result in two basic models.

        First. If to consider(examine)    Church only as social – political    institute,    there is a real danger of transformation official Orthodoxy only in a certain attribute statehood.   Especially   now, when so the conversations  on greatness and feature of Russia are fashionable, which transferring to sphere of state policy(politics) can geld and idea of orthodox revival.       The second model does not proceed at all from denying interaction of Church and authority.     Opposite(on the contrary), the principle of branch of Church from the state in the created today political situation simultaneously is also basis for cooperation of authority society with authority spiritual. This cooperation, first of all, should be realized in sphere of education and formation(education),    and also in questions of charity and social service. Certainly, the development(manufacture) of concrete mechanisms of such mutual relation - uneasy task, which hardly is possible to decide(solve) per one day.    For     many    centuries  of existence of church priest very competently have picked up all elements positive psychological of influence on the person:  

-            beauty of temples and ceremonies;           

-            burning fire candle;  

-            bell ring (or ring ãîíãîâ in East);

-            church song;

-            a monotonous sound of a human vote reading a prays;

-            reverence (incense is a magnificent means positively influencing the man, in East the spectrum reverences is much wider, beginning also from a perfect means - sandal). Certainly, all   it    strongly    and   positively    works on  the people, giving    their mentality additional forces and energy. Here anything supernatural is not present.   The   mechanism of influence on the person is clear enough. The same sermon can render on the people strong  influence. The human   word is a great force.    By    a word it is possible to lift and to treat the man, by a word it is possible and to suppress and even to kill, if the man is in a critical status. Take same "psychoterapevt" such as ×óìàêà. They not the Gods, not son God, not the prophets,    and  nevertheless can render on the people strong influence, including salutary, at the expense   of the outstanding  strong-willed and mental qualities. Why it occurs? That is why. What is a word?   It is some concrete sequence of fluctuations. It is an information, emotional and power pulse from one man to another. And in it the friend accepting man, can occur answer-back   processes     after    reception  of this pulse. The answer-back  processes of emotional burst working on the centres selfregulation can be started and those in turn can influence all îðãàíèçì as a whole. It is possible to treat that a word, is the fact. 





             MY OPINION

    The    apostle   Petr should    on    a   word Èèñóñà base   church, to   which    the  major tasks    of   service   of spiritual   structures of the christians on all of a way of development down             to      the introduction    in  new formation    of         an Empire Heavenly  will be assigned. Probably, what    exactly     such sense      born(carried) by(with) words: " And ladies                     the communities   gave  to you    keys     of      an Empire      Heavenly " .Íî main, religion and its(her)    institutes  on behalf   of church and ïàñòâå not only moral support,    but       also certain           material insurance.    The  man regularly paying   duty in    money-box   of  a community,      always could   expect  for the answer-back  material help    in   an  extreme situation, for example, in   case  of a fire. The church    carried    out functions of a body of social maintenance: at temples the crowds of beggars were fed, and the homelesses  could expect for a shelter in a      monastery.   The church    schools   for many  children were a unique   (sole)   place, where    they     could receive        formation (education),          and good  home    -     last hope   aged. Churches and monasteries  were under construction  as well    be        stronger defend  objects: Whether   it   be   civil war,       trouble       or invasion foreign,    the people searched for  a refuge and   rescue  in church. The   god was not       the        simply figurative Rescuer - in temples    the    people really   found     moral and physical rescue.





          The church     is based on blood, by blood is fastened     also    by blood has extended. (Ýðàçì Ðîòòåðäàìñêèé)    the    Trade    ecclesiastical is based on error,      superstition        and impostor. (Æ.Ìåëüå) the Church is     a   place,  where the gentlemen, never former on heavens, tell fantasy by the one who never there will get. (Ã.Ìåíêåí) the Crisis of religion has    come(stepped)   then, when   the man   has  ceased to see in it(her) "  a saving circle ".   It has taken place together  with introduction     in     life    of    system    of social maintenance. Imagine modern western man: in a refrigerator - stock   of   meal  for one week, in a case - clothes on   all seasons, in bank - savings " for black day ". Health, machine, house and life - are insured for         the      large sum.     And this óðáàíèçèðîâàííîìó to     the    native   of stone jungle is on the screen of the monitor the muffled appeal " to learn êèáîëîãèþ   and    listen  to the public ". For the sake of interest it(he), certainly, learns and, probably, will enter numbers(lines), if only.. .. Will    be     convinced  that it is innocent game       or            entertainment,        such      as õåëëîóèíîâñêîãî   of  a carnival. And it is valid, what for religion with its(her) active introduction in personal life is seriously necessary to    it(him), when a certain    extraneous       man,  let even in beautiful ritual clothes, begins to dictate, that it is possible to   eat,   and that is not  present,   and in what poses to sleep   with     the wife,  and that is possible to do(make)   on   Sundays, and that it is impossible on Saturdays,   and that - never and at any circumstances. Priest    convince,   that if the man sincerely trusted in something, sincerely was mistaken, it will be forgiven to it(him)   on to that light, even if it(he) not in that trusted.  It is rough false. Any errors (sincere or insincere)      are not forgiven. The   gods    have presented you reason and soul and have enabled   to  use them.  And if you instead of use of the reason and soul, instead of reflections, "sincerely" trusted in any delirium, that, means, çðÿ the Gods have given you reason. You this gift did not use. In the following life will not be the reasonable man. The law carma is fair: that will sow, and reap.   Truly christian church is a church of a devil. Hypocrisy and two-faced   of christian morals do not know borders. On the one hand, the christians have ostensibly   any    moral criteria of a rating that such is good and that such poorly. On the other   hand,   at   any  convenient moment of    time    it   is possible to spit upon all these   norms   and    to   declare,   as bequeathed Õðèñòîñ: "   do not judge, yes not judge   will be, for by what court judge, such will be  judge ; and with what frozen  measure,    such   and  you will measure "   (from Ìàòôåÿ 7:1).   It  would seem, the moral   criteria    for   this    purpose   and are entered to judge     correctness  or abnormality of actions both other   people,   and own.   Christian precepts as a whole it is possible to  divide(share) into three groups. The first group is precepts    of the ancient prophets, still up    to Ìîèñåÿ.   They enter in    bible.    The ancient prophets are and is pagan    the prophets.    Èóäàèçì has taken them   precepts    somewhere    one for one, somewhere having altered, and  somewhere having perverted up to opposite. The second    group    is  precepts Ìîèñåÿ,    that      is          precepts     èóäàèçìà, adapt for ãîåâ.    They    are    given  in a Shabby Precept Bible .  Precepts   of the first and second groups formally are as well   christian    precepts, as Bible is for the christians the sacred   and base book, on which the Christianity leans(bases). The third group is only     precepts   Èèñóñà    of   the Christ. They are given only   in   a New Precept - Åâàíãåëèè.     Precepts    of   the Christ precepts Ìîèñåÿ and precepts  of the ancient  prophets in the majority contradict.   It,    by the way, is very convenient for priests.    Always   it is possible to pull out that precepts , which is favourable at the given moment of time.   It   is possible to pull out "do not steal", and it is   possible to pull out and " judge yes judge   will be ",  if priest  itself has got on larceny. Religion:   the    complex      tool    of suppression of rational activity.

Considering above-stated  about   creation      of uniform RELIGION and uniform   FAITH    and knowing, that the church is institute   of religion, begins clear about necessity of creation   of  one church (she(it) can refer to as and differently) in view of national features. Thus should revive on better a level of moral    and    material  support, which initially   were    given    by(with)   church ïàñòâå,    carrying   out to  function of a body of social maintenance.  The essence of modern and future social    maintenance  of all people should be,   that the   church   bears(carries) completely responsibility    for    such    MATERIAL     And SPIRITUAL LEVEL of ALL CITIZENS,  which ALLOWS     CONSTANTLY,      without     any restrictions to increase a population    of  ground and planets, suitable for life.   Ideal   structure of government - connection of  church and state. It can be    supplied     only  in the event that: - the religious  figures will be the people of crystalline cleanliness   in the   SPIRITUAL,   MORAL and MATERIAL plan; - At purpose(assignment) and removal of the   chiefs   of all ranks last decisive word will be   behind church; the religious figure can become only that citizen, which is supported by(with) 100 %   of   the religious figures of that district, where IT(HE)   will   serve  and 90 % of the population    of    this    district.    Thus    the overcoming     typical       íåâðîòè÷åñêèõ      of propensities peculiar to the religious figures, can be carried out by such      way,     that  will make process of consultation by  more effective. First, the adviser should       study   features by      this íåâðîòè÷åñêîé          of         model     and      to define(determine),   how    she(it)    is   shown in his(its) person. Such understanding will promote an enlightenment   and   will  help to watch(keep up) itself during consultation.   Having found out sources of feeling of the inferiority,   the adviser precisely will see and selfish   an   orientation of the ambitions, that will help   considerably them óìåðèòü. Secondly,  the adviser should develop in itself that   Àäëåð   has named  as courage of imperfection?   I.e.  skill courageously to accept failure.   The courage of imperfection consists in collecting all forces on one decisive fight, which outcome   can appear    both victory, and defeat. Thirdly,   the   adviser should learn to be pleased not only   achieved purposes, but also process of life. The   pleasure  received from life and work, relieves us of necessity constantly reasons    our acts and to weigh each step, that it(he)  will give us. At all it should define(determine)  our life. In - fourth, the adviser   should   be convinced, that shows interest   to   the   people   for  the sake of them. If it(he)   believes,   that  loves them " in a name   of   the   God ",   it   is necessary    to  get accustomed,   whether  disappears behind "God" torn to the self-statement ågî.   By  the one who seriously is going to engage in consultation, it is necessary to pass through this internal clean and repentance.   Necessity    faith      in    treatment neurosis.    Inability     to   the   statement - most suitable   definition    of    a   position    neurosis.  Neurosis not in ëàäàõ with mankind, concerning to his(its) representatives  with   animosities  and suspicions.    All    this    is    connected    to  the aggravated    feeling    of    uncertainty   peculiar neurosis.   Therefore   in   any situation  neurosis searches for   anyone,  though    far-fetched, but support.   But   the   anxiety Is included into that price,    which we pay for the right to live and to be the independent persons.   The religion is that force, which allows to   transform     neurosis  an alarm into normal creative anxiety. The question of the    attitude(relation)    to life is,  at the end, question of religion.













                                                               Fig. 6


    It is possible with the large reliance to assert(approve),   that all people the believers.  One trust constantly, others periodically, and others at the critical moments of life.   Even naive,   the beginning player in gambles trusts, what exactly will be lucky(carry) it(him). Trust native and close at bed dying.   The soldier going to attack, and scientific   trusts, working   above a simple  or very complex(difficult) problem.   The religious figures trust, that their prays benefit   to the people,   though faith at  them essentially differ. The life of the people begins and comes to an end with  faith   they   recognize   it whether or not.    FAITH,    as  well   as INFORMATION feel by hands it is impossible, å ¸ feels only reason. Thus,   under  UNIFORM FAITH   it      is     necessary    to understand set all existing without exception faiths . If there is any  faith, i.e.   The information   come from maximum  forces (or with 5 and is higher than levels),   then she(it)   is useful   to someone and hee    it is necessary to perceive, instead of to exclude, differently consequences can be very heavy in the future, especially if to assume, that immortality of the man  in immortal Spirit, which conceiving matter at a subatomic power level is, or the CONCEIVING ENERGY is simple -! 

    The honour life - unique(sole) religion (Scottish proverb) - main criterion,    which   can  serve  a  rating  of  real  utility  of any religion. THEREFORE to render the fastest  action  on  formation  of  opinion  of  the  majority, weights, all society(community), there is nothing more effective, as religion.  Most   acceptable  of   ideas  for more correct development of a society(community), his(its) survival and, certainly, for a raising is strong rock   of   authority    of religion -  faith  in GOD - CHURCH   is   the idea of UNIFORM religion, in which basis the concept about participation all alive and all reasonable to formation  of complete  spiritual organization in scale of all universe is necessary. The principles of uniform religion should be  close and be clear to any carrier of Reason, because they will take his a beginning in advanced (better in all)   spiritual concepts, ðîæä¸ííûõ by any civilization and most full responding to needs(requirements) of the reasonable subject.   Our   LIFE   should be   ON RELIGION  of REASON an establishment each man of contacts between all by 10 levels (Ì- the THEORY MODEL   ÌÈÐÎÇÄÀÍÈß  ÕÎÌÎ ÑÀÏÈÅÍÑ In TEN MEASUREMENTS), and all of us together become that each of us names as the God.                                                                                           

    At uniform FAITH and RELIGIONS the CHURCH can be only uniform,    which   bears(carries)  completely responsibility for such MATERIAL And SPIRITUAL LEVEL of ALL CITIZENS, which   ALLOWS CONSTANTLY,   without any restrictions to increase a population of ground and planets, suitable for life. There are no reasonable reasons, except for desire to destroy life on the Earth even to think of reduction or restriction of a population.  It is necessary TO THINK - TO SEARCH - TO WORK and to carry out the Basic Law of a Nature - its(her) movement to all grow to perfection.    The man - peak a part of a Nature (universe) and consequently is at forward edge(territory) of its(her) development.    


At drawing up of the text the materials of sites are used:





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119. http://www.suspensionofdisbelief.com/matrix/faq.html                        

120. http://www.kirov.ru/~evdokimov/rus1.html

121. http://www.orthodox.kuban.ru/chtenia.htm                                     

122. http://minskcath.anitex.by/sect.htm       

123. http://paganism.ru/news.htm                                                                     

124. ß ïîäîáåí Èèñóñó_ îòâå÷àåò íà âîïðîñû ÷èòàòåëåé.htm 

125. ÝÍÅÐÃÅÒÈÊÀ ×ÅËÎÂÅÊÀ.htm                        

126. Ýêñêóðñèÿ ïî êàòàñòðîôàì_ Èñòîðèÿ.htm

127. Öèöåðîí.htm                                                                                     

128. http://txt.21.ru/author.phtml?id=18     

129. http://kiclub.euro.ru/literat/dumaj/contents.htm                                     

130. http://intrapsi.chat.ru/page2.html#0     

131. http://nodar.newmail.ru/index.html                                                           

132. http://anisimov.list.ru/convictions.html#begin  

133. http://kabbalah-web.narod.ru/dor-rus.htm#694

Vladimir Sergienko, 27 November  2001ã. Irkutsk, tig_ade@irk.ru