Sergienko V.I. - Creation of astronomical tools 1.About creation laser range-finder for Definitions of parameters of rotation of the Earth. Problem astrometry, From - in ÌÃÓ, Moscow. 22 Astrometri- cal a conference USSR, 1984y. (Mixalev S.N.,Smishleev B.K.) 2. Analysis of supervision on astrolaby By remote by management. Problem astrometry, From - in ÌÃÓ, Moscow. 22 Astrometrical a conference USSR, 1984y (Malomijev L.M.) 3.Automatic television astrolaby. Television Methods and means In science and enginering. The Theses of the reports republican scientific and technical Conference, 1989y.(Litvin A.I., Matveev G.D.) 4.About creation automated astrolaby. Modern astrometry, AN USSR, Lenin- grad, works 23 astrometric conferences USSR,1987y. 5. About the system approach to problem Increases of accuracy AO determine coordinate of stars onTV astrolaby.IMVP NPO VNIIVTRI. 5 RUSSIAN SYMPO- SIUMS "Metrology of time and space" 11-13 October 1994y.