God = Man= Family= Fatherland

                                                 ( I-general principles of construction of a society)







Freedom - myth justifying life.




     The desire to state the ideas on a problem of organization of the Russian state, probably, is caused:

  -by existence of the Law of critical weight (law of transition of quantity(amount) in quality). As many

philosophers and writers marked, the majority of changes (if not all) occur in steps, as though a certain

weight of changes collects and, having reached(achieved) critical weight, overturns, throw out through

edge(territory). 9/10 changes occur in 1/10 times. By status of our country.  About it  well has  written

Þðèé Êóçíåöîâ:


                                The fog has remained from Russia

                                      Yes cry crow from Moscow

                                         Still while we - alive,

                                            But we last, alas.

                           Have stepped in áåçäíó we from a threshold,

                                        And come to be on war.

                                 Also have heard a vote of the God:

                                           " To me, last, to me! "


- Simple inquisitiveness.


   Summary it is necessary to perceive as opinion, which now is easy for placing on a site. The man is a

baby in womb of a mother - nature. Everything, that it(he) receives, passes through its (her)  body.   But

that originally is Outside of her(it), you learn(find out) only after the new birth. It can explain why not on

all questions the science now is capable to give the answer, but the link to the God in these situations can

not give satisfaction the inquisitive man, for the same meek questions, which face to science, remain meek

and for the believer. Faith in the God is a leaving(care) from the answer to the put questions.Faith dullness

consciousness. Thus, naturally, I have not enough of doubts, that except for the material world, which man

 sees,  there  are  also other worlds. About these by the invisible worlds any man sometimes contacts, and

the separate unique people confidently have communication(connection). According  to  the astronomers

90 % of weight installed is invisible - latent weight.




                                                           Fig. 1


In my opinion - latent weight can be a spiritual - information status installed. I understand a word the God

a nature in a broad sense - in view of all invisible, but felt by the man, and further  the God  will  be  used

of more capacious and well-known words. The god - is a creative beginning. To be similar to the  God -

means, first of all, to be the creator, means to have the creative beginning, ability materialist (ìàòåðèàëè-

çîâàòü) ideal images. In some sort it is ability " from anything ",   from   idea  to  create  the  new  worlds,

including new man if to recollect opportunities, which gives êëîíèðîâàíèå and geny of engineer.In it also

there is a great true, great revelation, which contains in the Book  of  Life. " The God waits from the man of

the creative certificate(act), as answer of the man to the creative certificate(act) of the God. The creativity

is continuation ìèðîòâîðåíèÿ " [Áåðäÿåâ Í. Self-knowledge. Ì. "Book" 1991 pages  209,   214].     For

execution(performance) of the creative certificate,(act,) outlined in  advance  by a nature,  the  man  should

change priorities in terrestrial life. Not the people in  a  name  of   prosperity  of  the  state,   and  state   for

maintenance of worthy life of the people providing an opportunity of performance of the creative certificate

(act). Therefore by basic  task, which should be begun to carry out before that how to disorganize USSR, -

arrangement of an own national hostel, to learn self-management. Thus to proceed from the following:

  The greatest conceivable spiritual and economic harm our society(community) rendered to itself.   I   shall

bring only two examples from different historical epoch. Manysuffering  the ancient  Russian  city  Òîðæîê

ìîíãîëî-òàòàðàìè was thoroughly ruined once, while because of separate his(its)   minimum   three times

at all burn down Russian. And  the Novgorod  campaign Èâàíà Ãðîçíîãî on own  State is  commensurable

with tragedy of invasion east horde.Still more low we ïàëè, when the leaders kommunism  of  a  party (set)

have betraid 19-òè a million party(set) and all  Soviet people,  not beginning  from  opinion  of the absolute

majority of the population, and in 1991 have disorganized USSR, having  rejected  Russia on hundreds years

back. It could not make even Gitler for 4 years of bloody war.  « My God, really we do not understand, what

the  original   morals  consists  in feeding  suffer,  instead of with kind words to carry out(spend) it(him) in a

tomb? », when selected these èóä on managing posts in the state after their treachery.  The  treachery   Èóäîé

of the Christ in comparison with actions of the leaders is looked as a  children prank.  Therefore  gamble   on

patriotism for protection country and care of growth of well-being of the  people  in  speech  them  in our seal

looks as mockery and preservation of the armchairs.  Having  disorganized  and  having   plundered    general

(common) property of the people, they not only have not incurred(carried) punishment (even under the thieves'

laws for plundering "«îáùàãà" - death), but also continue to learn(teach) us to live.

- Figuratively speaking, Russian people always, from the basis Ðóñè till days today's, holds  under the  attitude

(relation) to authority figure in a pocket (Ê.Ñ.Àêñàêîâ. Addition to a slip "  About an internal status of Russia ":

" I.Russian the people which is not having in of a political element, has separated the state   from  itself and the

state -  does not want.

 II.Íå Wishing Statet, the people gives government unlimited authority state.

III. In return for that Russian people gives to itself moral freedom, freedom of life and spirit ".

  - To put in the basis of national ethical norms and in a basis of national arrangement the equation  God = Man=

Family= Fatherland (1). Thus on last three elements obligatory imposing  conditions of necessity and  sufficiency

is or the condition of correctness of the equation  is  feasible  in  only  case  when,  when are strictly  carried out

constantly 10 (on the first period  yet all states will accept their - 11) commandment of the Christ: 


1. Love only one Uniform God, yes there will be at you no other gods.

2. Do not create to itself an idol, idol. 

3. Do not make a name the Sirs of the God yours âñóå or in vain, in conversations useless and vain, lying or  with

     infringement bonn.  

4. Six days per one week do (make)  the  businesses, seventh(for  us  it — Sunday) give back to  the God: descend

    (go) in a temple, esteem the books about the God, ïîìîãè near.

5. Esteem  the  father  yours  and  mother  yours,  obey   the grown-ups,   yes   will  live well  and  long on  ground.

    Gossip of the father and the mother yes will die.

6. Do not kill, do not offend anybody.

7. The husband can have only one wife, and at the wife one husband.    

8. Do not steal.     

9. Do not speak on a near lie, do not deceive, do not condemn.  

10. Do not envy.


                                                               Eleventh commandmen.


Ostensibly, there was also eleventh commandmen, which Õðèñòîñ has whispered on ear only   to  nearest   friends

facing directly near him(it): "do not come across".


     These norms bear(carry) a seal dyalism " on an origin " - in them   are   clearly   traced   as   religious - mystical,

andmaterialism of a beginning. Or else, any of these  commandmen can be absolutely logically explained both divine,

and only natural - natural and social reasons.

    Also   is   explained  with accuracy  of acceptable  sufficiency for  íåçàìóòíåííîãî  ignorance  of common  sense.

However, having accepted completely these commandmen,    the society (community),  is  exposed   to action   of   the

environmental states yet not recognized these commandmen. The religion requires(demands) of each individual to carry

out commandmen of the Christ, but does not involve  (attract)  a society(community)  to help  to realize  these  purposes.

Opposite(on the contrary), the society(community) uses the best efforts to deform, to destroy the great purposes. How to

overcome these difficulties? Before reorganization (1985ã). The opportunities  for  creation  of  a   society (community)

strictly responding the equation (1) were repeatedly more both in spiritual, and in the material plan. But also now is far

from being âñ ¸ is lost if to apply a principle of formation(education) snow ball (from snow-flake to whom), and to not

oppose a moral level  of  the  people  and  them  welfare.  Among  the  well  supplied  people  which  are  carrying  out

commandmen the Christ on business, instead of on words, relatively it is less, in comparison  with  poor   layers  of  the


  HOW WAS vast authority state, she(it) affirms on anything other, as on unity of spiritual  self-consciousness between

the people and government, on faith national: the authority saps since  that  minute,  as the bifurcation  it, on âåðå of the

based consciousness " begins, — wrote Êîíñòàíòèí Ïåòðîâè÷ Ïîáåäîíîñöåâ, warning  a society(community) about

possible(probable)  terrible consequences " ðàñöåðêîâëåíèÿ " Russian ñàìîñîçíàíèÿ. — "On the truth any authority is

based, and ïîåëèêó the truth has by the source both basis âñåâûøíèé of the God and law It(him), in soul and conscience

everyone   naturally   written, — that   and is  justified in the deep sense a word: íåñòü authority, àùå not from the God...".

That is offered practically to carry out in practice creation of such society(community), where the basic values will be only

what the God has given to the man proportional to the  Life: life in itself, creativity and love - it work on three directions:


    Development of moral - economic structure of a society(community);  


    Gradual organization of self-management;


    Reforming ïðàâîñëàâèÿ, so that the basic moral education of the people and the   responsibility   for  a  level of his(its)

morals laid on church not only before the God, but also before each man.


            Fig. 2


 It is possible to assume, that at realization of such society(community) the man can begin to carry out that« …the God waits

from the man of the creative certificate(act) as answer of the man to the creative certificate(act) of the God. The creativity is

continuation  ìèðîòâîðåíèÿ " and will allow us to communicate with other worlds, having become immortal.                                       


At drawing up of the text the materials of sites are used:


1. http: // vaspr.nm.ru/index.htm.

2. http: // sampo.karelia.ru / ~ kireev/docs/kphilosof.htm

3. http: // isfishman.narod.ru/index.htm

4. http: // readingbible.chat.ru/contens/cont.html

5. http: // www.i.com.ua / ~ avkj1611/

6. http: // isu.narod.ru/10zakon.htm

7. http: // www.voskres.ru/truth/index.shtml

8. http: // www.rus-sky.org/history/library/samoder j.htm

Â.Ñ., June 1 2001ã. Irkutsk. tig_ade@irk.ru