SELECT is the most commonly useed command in SQl. Used to retrieve the data. The following is the syntax we use to pick records from table(s) SELECT [DISTINCT] col-name [,col-name] ... FROM table-name [,table-name]... [WHERE predicate] [GROUP BY col-name [,col-name] ... [HAVING predicate]] [ORDER BY col-name [,col-name] ...]; * denotes all the attributes in a table. For example SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE dept = 'cis'; is equivalent to SELECT facid, facname, dept, rank FROM faculty WHERE dept = 'cis'; We will use the enroll table for actual enrollment and grades.So to get the listing of courses for the corresponding students we have the fpllowing query: SELECT course# FROM enroll; This will anyhow yield duplicate courses;hence to eliminate duplicates, we use DISTINCT SELECT DISTINCT course# FROM enroll; gives the listing of distint courses in the enroll table.Further to retreive the values for specific records the where clause is used. Conditional Selection:The WHERE clause is used to specify that only certain rows of the table are displayed, based on the criteria described in that WHERE clause. It is most easily understood by looking at a couple of examples. Because grouping and aggregation are important in many database applications,SQL has features that incorporate these features. The aggregate functions(COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN , AVG) can be used in the SELECT clause or in a HAVING clause .The functions MAX and MIN can also be used with attributes that have nonumeric domains if the domain values have a "total ordering" among one another. For example, SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT dept) FROM faculty; finds the number of departments which have faculty in them.