The UPDATE command is used to modify attribute values of one or more selected tuples.As in delete command, a WHERE clause in the UPDATE command selects the tuples to be modified from a single relation. For example to changethe major of student 123456789 to CIS: UPDATE student SET major = 'cis' WHERE stuid = '123456789'; This sets the major of the student with an id 123456789 as cis.As shown above, more WHERE conditionals, using AND, must be used to limit the updating to more specific rows. Also, additional columns may be set by separating equal statements with commas. UPDATE faculty SET dept = 'cis' rank = 'assistant' WHERE facname = 'annber'; This updatesseveral fields in a record-change ANNBER to CIS DEPT and assistant UPDATE class SET room = 'F110' WHERE facid = (SELECT facid FROM faculty WHERE facname = 'annber') ; This query specifically uses a subquery for updation. It changes the room to F110 forall of ANNBER'S courses