Diagnosis Diagnosis of a complete cranial cruciate ligament tear of the left stifle for this case can be made based on clinical presentation, history, physical exam, and specialty exam results. Clinical Presentation Bonnie presented with a history of an acute onset of a partial weight-bearing lameness of the left hind limb, along with a concurrent history of an active lifestyle. This may imply that exercise induced trauma is the likely cause of injury. Two mechanisms can explain injury to the cranial cruciate ligament Ð ether violent internal rotation or hyperextension of the stifle. With a violent internal rotation of the stifle, the cranial and caudal cruciate ligaments wind around themselves. The cranial cruciate ligament undergoes damaging compressive forces as the caudomedial edge of the lateral femoral condyle rotates against the ligament. The second mechanism involves hyperextension of the stifle, where upon hyperextension the roof of the intercondylar notch of the femur may transect the ligament. Age related degenerative changes within the stifle joint as well as the overweight status of our patient may have also played a role in further exacerbating the lameness associated with a cranial cruciate ligament rupture. The presence of a 4-5 mm cranial drawer sign while under sedation is diagnostic for cranial cruciate ligament rupture. The initial absence of a cranial drawer sign was likely due to patient apprehension and muscle contraction. In this case, a complete tear of the ligament, as opposed to a partial tear, is more likely to result in a positive cranial drawer test. Only complete rupture involving both bands of the ligament would result in a cranial drawer sign that is apparent on both extension and flexion. Specialty Exam Results Radiographs were taken to rule out other possible causes of stifle joint lameness and confirm a diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament rupture. Evident radiographic changes included intracapsular joint effusion and a widenening of the lateral joint space with concurrent diminished medial joint space. The effusion detected in the stifle joint radiographically is due to intra-articular hemorrhage from the ligament tear as well as inflammatory vasodilation and neutrophil migration to the site of injury. This mechanism is also supported by the joint fluid analysis, which is discussed in our specialty exam results. The resultant trauma and instability induces an inflammatory response, including the release of cytokines from the chondrocytes, leading to destruction of the proteoglycan and collagen network of the articular cartilage by metalloproteinases. Exposed collagen from the torn ligament also elicits an autoimmune response, which increases the intra-articular inflammation. The swelling produces the distention of the joint capsule on either side of the patellar ligament present in this animal. Rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament produces a radiographically abnormal joint characterized by increased joint space laterally and diminished joint space medially. The cranial cruciate ligament holds the lateral femoral condyle tight agianst the medial tibial condle, providing support laterally. Without this support, excessive compressive force is placed on the medial stifle resulting in decreased joint space medially. Concurrent injury to other structures within the stifle joint is possible, particularly a meniscal tear, which can be a direct result of the instability produced by a cranial cruciate ligament rupture. Damage to the caudal body of the meniscus has been noted in fifty to seventy-five percent of patients with a torn cranial cruciate ligament. This can be diagnosed through arthroscopy, where a tear can be noted and excised. As this case was presented with an acute onset of lameness and acute rupure of the cranial cruciate ligament, chronic degenerative changes within the stifle were not apparent. Radiographic changes associated with a chronic cruciate ligament tear would include osteophyte formation along the trochlear ridge,