Hypothesis 2 - Bone Fracture

	The primary cause of a traumatic non-weight bearing lameness is bone fracture.  Given the history of this case the fracture(s) seems to be localized to the hind limbs.  Two areas of interest are the long bones and possibly the flat bones of the pelvis.  

Flat Bones of the pelvis
	A bilateral pelvic fracture could result in a non-weight bearing lameness in both limbs due to bilateral instability of the hip joint.   The pelvic fracture could also be limited to the left side where the injury could not be localized to either a frature fo the femur or pelvis (or hip joint luxation).

Long Bones
	There is an apparent fracture to the tibia of the right hind limb which should be assessed more thoroughly through radiographs.  We should attempt to localize the injury of the left hind limb.