Hypothesis 2: Congenital Patellar luxation pre-existed in both stifles (Congenital problem is common in Pomeranians and medial luxation is more common in Pomeranians), left originally worse than right, so right leg was used to compensate and bear more weight. The extra weight and heavy usage of the right leg over the left eventually led to right leg lameness. If the trauma of jumping off the bed played a role in developing the lameness in the right leg, it is probably due to the dog landing on the right leg hard in order to avoid further pain in the left leg. The fact that the patellar luxation existed previously in the right leg makes the leg more sensitive to overuse. There may be a cranial cruciate ligament rupture in the left stifle which is also contributing to the overuse of the right leg, leading to further lameness of the right hind leg. Another possibility is congenital malpositioning of the quadriceps muscle which would allow more movement of the patella.