Facts: Lame in Rt Hind leg Unilateral 3 years old not necessarily congenital Pomeranian Small breed dog 11.6 pounds Not overweight Fell off bed one year ago with weight bearing lameness on rt hind leg Traumatic injury Became normal within one month Traumatic injury, normal healing 6 months later, lameness returned Separate incidence or related to first injury Treated with antiinflammatories, no significant effect Non-responsive to antiinflammatories, but we donŐt know what drug or dose Lameness has not progressed in 6 months, no further treatment Other progressive situations less likely now Indoor dog, supervised play with their other dog Possible injury when they were not supervised One small can of soft food per day Maybe a nutritional problem Grade 3/4 intermittent non-weight bearing lameness on rt hind leg Not consistent lameness appearance Medial buttressing possible on rt stifle Laxity? Cranial drawer negative Not a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament most likely Medial patellar luxation on extension Abnormal movement All other musculoskeletal examinations were normal except stifle on rt leg Problem localized to stifle Pain on left leg palpation and cranial drawer/patellar luxation attempt Maybe past injury on left leg Left leg musculoskeletal examination normal except pain response in stifle Maybe past injury on left leg Pain response on dorsal flexion of tail Unknown significance No pain response on spinal palpation May help ruling out spinal cord problems