1. Large Breed: 9 Month old Rottie, ---large breed dogs are genetically prone to skeletal problems 2. DIET: eating Iams Large Breed formula, free choice---appropriate food choice, free feed may be a problem, cannot measure intake 3. Trauma: no previous history 4. Uncomfortable when trying to sitÉindicates hind limb prob 5. Worse early in morningÉmuscle? Arthritis? 6. Worse after exerciseÑmuscle probs?? Skeletal probs? 7. Reluctant to climb stairs..see above 8. No obvious response to RimadylÑnot arthritis, 9. Increased wt distribution to front legsÉhind end prob 10. Grade 1 lameness in rt hindÉnot too severe, main area of discomfort 11. Mild clicking in elbow joint, no pain, reduced ROM, no crepidance..may not be associated with main prob 12. Long bone palpation normal..no fx, no lysis 13. No muscle pain or atrophy..skeletal prob 14. No neuro deficits..no spinal injury 15. No cranial drawer sign..ccl is intact, no laxity in the knee 16. No joint effusionÉno severe inflammation at this point 17. Hip joint palp = pain, rt >left, more obvious in ext than flexÉfocusing in on areas of pain and motions producing pain 18. Hip ROM reduced to 100degÉfocusing in on problem area 19. Current on vaccsÉhistory 20. Frontline topspotÉhistory 21. Ortalani sign ??? was positive on left, could not evaluate rt due to painÉindicates hip laxity 22. Female, spayedÉhistory 23. Hock and stifle not painful and stableÉ.focusing in on problem area 24. Awkward gait noticed a few weeks agoÉhistory, not acute, possibly progressive 25.