Plan of Action: First, we would perform a thorough physical exam with bloodwork and urinalysis by cystocentesis. Because Ramon was hit by a car, it is quite possible that he has other traumatic injuries besides fractures in his hindlimbs. Dogs that are hit by cars commonly experience traumatic myocarditis, ruptured spleen, ruptured bladder, and diaphragmatic hernia. Due to this, it is important that RamonŐs abdomen be carefully palpated to see if there are any painful areas or if an intact bladder can be felt. His heart and lungs should be auscultated carefully to check for normal sounds. After the physical exam, we will radiograph RamonŐs chest, abdomen, both hindlimbs, and pelvis. We will take both VD and Lateral Views. If possible, this should be done under sedation or with proper analgesia for sufficient muscle relaxation and to prevent Ramon from further injuring himself. This will also alleviate pain as RamonŐs limbs are manipulated thus offering a more pleasant experience. If, after the physical exam and radiographic interpretation, RamonŐs urinary tract integrity seems impaired, radiographic contrast studies will be performed to test for ruptured bladder. If any cardiac abnormalities are noted, an ECG will be run to test for arrythmias. Also, if indicated, ultrasound of abdominal viscera and the heart will be done to check for normal function and morphology. Finally, if still needed after radiographs and physical exam, we will perform an orthopedic exam under sedation provided that Ramon is stable enough. We would use Propofol so that he will recover quickly and he can be dosed to effect. This exam would help to further isolate any soft tissue damage that might not be seen on radiographs or to detect problems in the joints. As Ramon undergoes these diagnostic tests and is treated, his urine output will be closely monitored to ensure urinary tract health. His status will also be monitored closely to make sure he is stable and serial ECGs can be run if cardiac disease or arrhythmias are detected. As veterinarians, we will make sure to examine and treat the whole patient to ensure RamonŐs quick return to health!