Diagnosis: Infectious Osteomyelitis The foal incurred trauma when the dam stepped on its leg, resulting in a puncture in the thin skin covering the bone and introduction of bacteria. Klebsiella spp. are normal flora in fecal matter, and were found in the joint tap. Obvious radiographic changes are not yet apparent Ð they only become visible when 30-50% of the bone mineral has been absorbed. This is usually evident 10-14 days after the onset of infection. Since the owner did not report the date of the possible trauma, it can be assumed from the radiographs that it was probably a recent occurrence. The plasma protein/fibrogen ratio indicates severe inflammation, which is also found in cases of infectious osteomyelitis. The lack of leukocytosis in the lab work is explained by the ability of the synovial membrane to contain a significant number of bacteria and not permit bacterial proliferation or the subsequent inflammatory response.