Interpretation of specialty exams: OFA Radiograph - marked subluxation of femoral head from coxofemoral joint bilaterally, no remodeling of femoral head noted, no osteophyte formation Lateral Radiograph - no abnormalities observed in pelvis or femors, coxofemoral joint cannot be properly evaluated due to superimposition. Sedated orthopedic exam - Ortalani sign noted bilaterally, Range of motion 130 degrees (normal 110 degrees) Expected results from plan of action: We expected to see the Ortalani sign bilaterally as an indication of a growth developmental abnormality. The subluxation of the coxofemoral joint was also expected although we expected some osteophyte formation and remodeling of the femoral head bilaterally. Since this is a young dog all of these radiographic changes may not yet be observed. No tissue swelling or radiographic opacity changes were noted which would have supported infection or inflammation of the coxofemoral joint. No fractures noted so this lameness is probably not due to trauma.