Diagnostic Plan: 1. Radiographs of both hind limbs, pelvis, thorax, and abdomen (DV and Lat views) . This will localize any fractures and allow us to evaluate the severity in order to develop a management plan. It will also allow us to evaluate any trauma to the lungs, heart etc. The abdominal rads will help to evaluate if the bladder is intact and any other abdominal injury. 2. Neurologic evaluation of the pelvis including assessment of anal sphincter tone and sensation in the perineal region. Neurologic evaluation of hind limbs. 3. Orthopedic exam under anesthesia to better localize the damage in the left hind limb. 4. Serum chemistry could be performed to evaluate if creatinine kinase is elevated (indicative of muscle damage) and to evaluate liver and kidney function. CBC could indicate hemorrhage, anemia, infection. 5. Nutritional consult/evaluation of BCS. (Big Red may be providing poor nutrition, contributing to weak bones and consequent fracture.) 6. Observation of the physical status of the dog- urine output, general cardiovascular status etc that would indicate other internal injuries.