Group 13: Facts 1)Signalment: Bovine (Limousin), bull, 3 mos -Attention should be paid to the juvenile status of this patient. Specifically, the presence of growth plates significantly affects the pathophysiology and treatment modality. 2)Temperature 103, Pulse 120, Respiratory Rate 60 -Significantly increased pulse and respiratory rates are likely due to excitement/epinephrine response. 3)The calf was pulled using obstetrical chains and a Frank's calf jack. The left front leg was injured during the process. -This indicates the nature of the insult. The leg underwent a pulling stress, possibly tearing joint tissue and/or creating a shearing action on the bones. 4)The leg was kept in a heavy bandage for one month. Some areas of skin fell off at about 2 weeks. -Because skin fell off during bandaging, the bandage may not have allowed tissue healing in an aerobic environment, and/or was too tight for proper superficial tissue perfusion. 5)A half-limb cast was applied for 3 weeks. Upon removal from the cast the leg was uniformly enlarged and crooked. The limb is turned outward (valgus deformity). The Mc / Phalangeal joint has a limited range of motion. -Malalignment of the leg prior to casting may preclude to improper healing of the bones and growth of the cartilage. 6)The limb is uniformly swollen approximately 2 times the size of the normal limb and there are 2 granulating wounds on the limb. There is a draining tract on the dorso-medial side of the leg and when the limb is manipulated, purulent exudate comes out the wound. Crepitance is heard with manipulation. -This is a critical fact, and is potentially the only fact presented thus far that dictates immediate action. The swollen appearance of the limb, again, indicates decreased perfusion/lymphatic drainage of the superficial layers of the leg. This may be due to the bandage and/or inflammation, due to infection. The presence of pustulous draining tracts points to either a soft tissue infection or a bone sequestrum. Crepitance is also an important fact here, because it suggests the role of anaerobic bacteria. 7)The area around the fracture is covered with pink epithelium. -The integrity of the superficial tissue around the site of fracture is important when considering which treatment modality to use. 10)Tight bands of tissue are palpated that connect the raised toes with the tissue on the dorsum of the foot. -Pressure of bandaging may affect extensor tendon function and growth. The potential role of scarring and or swelling in decreased extensor tendon function is evident.