node: 1: Meaningful Learning 2: Meaningful Material 3: Teacher 4: Learner Chooses 5: Learner's Relvant Prior Knowledge 6: Real Meaningful Learning 7: Rote Learning 8: Network of Neurons link: 1: 1 to 2 2: 1 to 4 3: 1 to 5 4: 2 to 3 5: 3 to 6 6: 3 to 7 7: 3 to 8 8: 4 to 6 9: 4 to 7 10: 5 to 3 11: 5 to 8 relation: 1: requires 2: requires 3: requires 4: selected by 5: encourages 6: discourages 7: produces constructives changes in 8: to use 9: not to use 10: stored in 11: assessed by icon: 1: data.txt as text 2: mante as jpg 2: CHIMES.WAV as wav 5: HLPBELL.GIF as gif 4: 4.txt as cmap