Sergienko V.I. - Automation 1.Automation mathematical processing of supervision and results her application. Metrology and standardIzation on service. Theses of the report on conference Irkutsk 1972y. (Morozova G.F., Sergienko S.A. and others) 2.About automation of processing result of astronomical supervision in Irkutsk at definition of coordinates but new an astroplatform. The theses of the reports, 1974y.,Riga.(Sergienko S.A) 3.Description of algorithm and program smooth irregular of points pair parabolic by a method. The theses theses of the reports, 1974y.,Riga.(Sizix G.V.,Skripnik N.I.) 4.Automated system of the tax The meteorological information in Ter- restrial layer at astronomica observation. Works at VNIIFTRI, Mos- cow,V.31,1976y.(Pavlov B.A., Kydeeva B.S.) 5.About the automated system of the tax And processing astronomi- cal and meteorogical information in SF VNIIFTRI. The Theses of the reports (Kydeeva B.S. and others) 6. About automation of reception average The moments of supervisi- on on astrolabey. The theses of the reports, 1974y., Riga (Korj V.F. (Filippov M.I.,Denisenko Z.T.) 7. Automation of a service of Time. The State Committee Standards USSR, Automation Service of Time, Survey information. (Tnichev I. N. and others) 8. System automated Processings of the measuring information Ser- vices of Time. Problems metrologica ensuring of systems of proce- ssing Measuring. The theses the reports All-Union of a seminar, (Tnichev I. N. and others). 9.Automation of reception of the formulas Calculations astronomical refraction. Astrometry and astropysics. Naykova dymka. ¹45,1981y. Kiev. (Markov J.V.) 10.Automated Astronomical complex for Definitions of parameters of rotation The Earth Measuring Engineering N2, 1981y. Moscow (Radchyk A.G. and others) 11.Automated complex for Definitions of parameters Rotations of the Earth. The Earth Measuring Engineering N2, 1981y. Moscow (Radchyk A.G. and others) 12.Avtomated system of astrometric data collection and processing Astrometric Technigues H.K. Eichorn and J. Leacock (eds), 1986y. by the IAU (Radchuk A.G ). 13.Experience of operation the automated system Astronomical and the meteorological information. (Podoprigora T.V. and others) 14.Automatic system of the tax and Processings meteorological The information for astrooptical, kvantovooptical and Radio engineering measurements. (Molochkov A.J.) 15.Automatic system of definition Evasion of a steep line astronomo by geodetic method. (Vinogradov A.K. and others) 16. Automation creation of bank the geoinformation in VS TIGGN Magazine GEODESY and CARTOGRAPHY 4 1997y. page 50-52 With (Sergienko S.A. etc.)