Catégories Function Init(node) On Error Resume Next Dim strTopCategoriesSqlQuery strTopCategoriesSqlQuery = _ " SELECT " & vbCRLF & _ " ""DAV:href"", ""DAV:displayname"", ""DAV:contentclass"", ""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Description"" " & vbCRLF & _ " FROM SCOPE('SHALLOW TRAVERSAL OF ""/" & GetWorkspaceName() & "/" & GetWorkspacePropertyByUri(g_cdostrURI_CategoriesFolder) & strCategoryPath & """')" & vbCRLF & _ " WHERE ""DAV:contentclass"" = 'urn:content-classes:categoryfolder'" & vbCRLF & _ " ORDER BY ""DAV:displayname"" ASC" & vbCRLF Dim dsqTopCategories Set dsqTopCategories = CreateAndStartAndCacheSearchQuery(strTopCategoriesSqlQuery, "TOP_CATEGORIES", Empty, Empty, Empty, True) If Err.Number <> 0 Then SaveCurrentErrorContext "Init() - Error initializing the top level categories query." : Exit Function If dsqTopCategories Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 11, "Init()", "Reason: Error initializing the query." : Exit Function End Function Function GetContent(nod) On Error Resume Next GetContent = "&#160;" Dim strTopCategoriesXml, cTotal, fHasMore strTopCategoriesXml = GetContentAndRangeFromCachedSearchQuery("TOP_CATEGORIES", cTotal, fHasMore) If Err.Number <> 0 Then SaveCurrentErrorContext "GetContent() - Error getting content and range from saved query object." : Exit Function If Not IsEmpty(strTopCategoriesXml) Then GetContent = InsertXmlContextValues(strTopCategoriesXml, _ GetSupportedFileTypeImagesXml() & vbCRLF & _ "<TotalItems>" & cTotal & "</TotalItems>" & vbCRLF & _ "<LocStringForNone>" & L_StartPagePartHasNoContents_TEXT & "</LocStringForNone>") If Err.Number <> 0 Then SaveCurrentErrorContext "GetContent() - Error adding the context info." : Exit Function End If End Function <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="uri:xsl" xmlns:dav="DAV:" xmlns:office="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:fulltext="" xmlns:attributes="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:publishing:"> <xsl:template match="/"> <TABLE> <xsl:for-each select="dav:multistatus"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="/dav:multistatus/TotalItems[. != '0']"> <xsl:apply-templates match="a:response" /> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <TR> <TD width="10"> </TD> <TD valign="top" align="left"> <xsl:value-of select="LocStringForNone"/> </TD> </TR> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:for-each> </TABLE> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="a:response"> <TR> <TD valign="center"><IMG src="SquareBullet.gif"/></TD> <TD valign="top" align="left"> <A> <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:for-each select="dav:propstat/dav:prop/dav:href"><xsl:eval>safeUnicodeUrlFromUtf8CanonicalizedUrl(this.text);</xsl:eval></xsl:for-each> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="title"><xsl:value-of select="dav:propstat/dav:prop/office:Description"/></xsl:attribute> <B><xsl:value-of select="dav:propstat/dav:prop/dav:displayname"/></B> </A> </TD> </TR> </xsl:template> <xsl:script language="JScript"> <![CDATA[ function canonicalizeForUrlParameter(strToEncode) { // Canonicalize everything. Also escape the '+' which is not escaped by jscript. return escape(strToEncode).replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); } function canonicalizeForUrl(strToEncode) { // Just canonicalize percent and space. return (strToEncode.replace(/%/, "%25")).replace(/ /g, "%20"); } function safeUnicodeUrlFromUnicodeUrl(strUnicodeUrl) { // A Unicode URL may have special chars, they need to be canonicalized // to work for (all) browsers. return (strUnicodeUrl.replace(/%/, "%25")).replace(/ /g, "%20").replace(/\+/g, "%2B").replace(/#/g, "%23"); } function safeUnicodeUrlFromUtf8CanonicalizedUrl( strUtf8CanonicalizedUrl ) { // Convert from a UTF8 canonicalized URL to a Unicode URL with (only) special chars canonicalized. // in the result URL, DBCS chars are still DBCS chars as not canonicalized. return safeUnicodeUrlFromUnicodeUrl(unicodeFromUtf8(unescape(strUtf8CanonicalizedUrl))) ; } function encodeForJScriptStringLiteral(strToEncode) { // Replace embedded double and single quotes with \ prefixes. return strToEncode.replace(/(['"])/g, "\\$1").replace(/%27/g, "\\%27"); } function encodeForHtml(strToEncode) { return strToEncode.replace(/</g, "&lt;"); } function canonicalizedUtf8FromUnicode(strURL) { var strSpecialUrl = " <>\"#%{}|^~[]`&?+"; var strEncode=""; var i; var chUrl; var iCode; var num; var iCodeBin; var tempBin; var j, leadingzeros; strURL+=""; for (i=0; i<strURL.length; i++) { chUrl = strURL.charAt(i); iCode = chUrl.charCodeAt(0); if (iCode<=parseInt("0x7F")) { if (strSpecialUrl.indexOf(chUrl)!=-1) { //chUrl is a special character that needs to be Url encoded strEncode+="%"+iCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else { //otherwise chrUrl is normal strEncode+=chUrl; } } else { leadingzeros=""; iCodeBin=iCode.toString(2) if (iCode<=parseInt(0x7FF)) { //glyph is represented by two chars //check leading zeros on iCodeBin (should be 11 digits) for (j=11; j>iCodeBin.length; j--) leadingzeros+="0"; iCodeBin=leadingzeros+iCodeBin tempBin="110"+iCodeBin.substr(0,5); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(5,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() } else { if (iCode<=parseInt(0xFFFF)) { //glyph is represented by three chars //check leading zeros on iCodeBin (should be 16 digits) for (j=16; j>iCodeBin.length; j--) leadingzeros+="0"; iCodeBin=leadingzeros+iCodeBin tempBin="1110"+iCodeBin.substr(0,4); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(4,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(10,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() } else { if (iCode<=parseInt(0x1FFFFF)) { //glyph is represented by four chars //check leading zeros on iCodeBin (should be 21 digits) for (j=21; j>iCodeBin.length; j--) leadingzeros+="0"; iCodeBin=leadingzeros+iCodeBin tempBin="11110"+iCodeBin.substr(0,3); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(3,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(9,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(15,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() } else { if (iCode<=parseInt(0x3FFFFFF)) { //glyph is represented by five chars //check leading zeros on iCodeBin (should be 26 digits) for (j=26; j>iCodeBin.length; j--) leadingzeros+="0"; iCodeBin=leadingzeros+iCodeBin tempBin="111110"+iCodeBin.substr(0,2); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(2,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(8,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(14,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(20,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() } else { if (iCode<=parseInt(0x7FFFFFFF)) { //glyph is represented by six chars //check leading zeros on iCodeBin (should be 31 digits) for (j=31; j>iCodeBin.length; j--) leadingzeros+="0"; iCodeBin=leadingzeros+iCodeBin tempBin="1111110"+iCodeBin.substr(0,1); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(1,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(7,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(13,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(19,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() tempBin="10"+iCodeBin.substr(25,6); strEncode+="%"+parseInt(tempBin,2).toString(16).toUpperCase() } } } } } } } return strEncode; } function unicodeFromUtf8(strUtf8) { var bstr = ""; var nTotalChars = strUtf8.length; // total chars to be processed. var nOffset = 0; // processing point on strUtf8 var nRemainingBytes = nTotalChars; // how many bytes left to be converted var nOutputPosition = 0; var iCode, iCode1, iCode2; // the value of the unicode. while (nOffset < nTotalChars) { iCode = strUtf8.charCodeAt(nOffset); if ((iCode & 0x80) == 0) // 1 byte. { if ( nRemainingBytes < 1 ) // not enough data break; bstr += String.fromCharCode(iCode & 0x7F); nOffset ++; nRemainingBytes -= 1; } else if ((iCode & 0xE0) == 0xC0) // 2 bytes { iCode1 = strUtf8.charCodeAt(nOffset + 1); if ( nRemainingBytes < 2 || // not enough data (iCode1 & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) // invalid pattern { break; } bstr += String.fromCharCode(((iCode & 0x3F) << 6) | ( iCode1 & 0x3F)); nOffset += 2; nRemainingBytes -= 2; } else if ((iCode & 0xF0) == 0xE0) // 3 bytes { iCode1 = strUtf8.charCodeAt(nOffset + 1); iCode2 = strUtf8.charCodeAt(nOffset + 2); if ( nRemainingBytes < 3 || // not enough data (iCode1 & 0xC0) != 0x80 || // invalid pattern (iCode2 & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) { break; } bstr += String.fromCharCode(((iCode & 0x0F) << 12) | ((iCode1 & 0x3F) << 6) | (iCode2 & 0x3F)); nOffset += 3; nRemainingBytes -= 3; } else // 4 or more bytes -- unsupported break; } if (nRemainingBytes != 0) { // bad UTF8 string. return ""; } return bstr; } ]]> </xsl:script> </xsl:stylesheet> 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3600