Union Hospital provides a comprehensive integrated clinical service to clients and families with genetic disorders. The following information aims at providing a brief profile of available services and laboratory tests and inform other health-care professionals of means of accessing the service components.

Clinical Service

Diagonsis and counselling of

Chromosomal diseases such as Down's Syndrome and Trisomy 18 Syndrome

Multiple malformation syndrome

Single Mendelian disorder such as neurofibromatosis, polycystic kidney disease and thalassemia.

Microdeletion Syndrome such as DiGeorge Syndrome and Williams Syndrome

Familial cancer such as multiple endocrine neoplasia

Paternity testing

Cousin marriage

Pre-marital advice

Mental retardation such as Fragile X Syndrome




Referral Procedure

Patients or families with genetic disorder should be referred to the Specialist Clinic at Union Hospital. A referral letter attached is most appreciated.

Booking and Enquiry: 2608 3361