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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Shakespeare Background, Henry VIII: encouraged learning to advance the kingdom. followed by Edward: short-lived king, Henry VIII: encouraged learning to advance the kingdom. significant fact Created the Church of England in order to divorce Katherine of Avignon. Religious Division, Four Humors expressed as Air: blood, emotion, Two Worlds world of the Macrocosm, Ann Hathaway: 8 years his elder and pregnant model for The Taming of the Shrew, Elizabeth significant facts She was idealized: Spencer's "The Faerie Queen", Macrocosm two parts Body Politic (monarch), Four Humors expressed as Earth: melancholy, Elizabeth significant facts Relative peace during her reign., Primate of the kingdom Monarch, Elizabeth significant facts Expanded learning and the kingdom., Elizabeth significant facts Katherine's sister. Became queen at 25 years old., Shakespeare marriage Ann Hathaway: 8 years his elder and pregnant, The student will achieve a basic understanding of the historical background and world view of the Elizabethan period during which Shakespeare wrote his tragedies in order to better understand the significance of his plays. History Shakespeare, Natural Law of Order and Degree hierarchical system Chain of Being, England the royals were 1485-Richard III defeated by the first Tudor family, 1485-Richard III defeated by the first Tudor family The Tudors Henry VII: interested in education, Mary Queen of Scots: Bloody Mary significant fact Daughter of Katherine and a Catholic. Tried to reestablish Catholic church in England., Primate of heavenly bodies The Sun, London to get into The theater: errand boy, cared for horses, watched all productions