
Seis Sombreros para Pensar
(de Bono)

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Seis Sombreros para Pensar - de Bono La técnica de los Seis Sombreros para Pensar de Edward de Bono es un modelo que se puede utilizarse para explorar las diversas perspectivas de una situación o un desafío complejo. Viendo las cosas de varias maneras es a menudo una buena idea en la formalización de una estrategia y en los procesos de toma de decisiones complejas.

La técnica del STH se diseñó para ayudar a los individuos a explorar deliberadamente una variedad de perspectivas sobre un tema, que pueden ser muy diferentes de las perspectivas que asumiría normalmente. Al usar un sombrero de pensamiento particular, la gente desempeña los roles , o asumiéndose “como si” ellos mismos asumieran una perspectiva particular. Por ejemplo, uno podía jugar al abogado de diablo, aunque solamente para generar la discusión. El propósito del abogado del diablo es desafiar deliberadamente una idea: sea crítico, busque qué es lo incorrecto de ella.

Cada uno de los sombreros se nombra con un color que sea mnemotécnicamente descriptivo de la perspectiva que uno adopte al usar el sombrero particular. Por ejemplo el papel de abogado del diablo usa el sombrero de pensamiento negro.

Los seis sombreros

  • Blanco (Observador) papel blanco; Neutral; concéntrese en la información disponible, HECHOS objetivos, qué es necesario, cómo puede ser obtenido

  • (Uno mismo, otro) fuego calidez; EMOCIONES, SENSACIONES, intuición, premoniciones; actuales visiónes sin explicación, justificación

  • Negro (uno mismo, otro) juez estricto que usa traje negro; juzgador; crítico; porqué algo es incorrecto; Visión LÓGICA NEGATIVA.

  • Amarillo  (uno mismo, otro) Sol radiante; optimismo; Visión LÓGICA POSITIVA; busca beneficios, qué es bueno.

  • Verde (uno mismo, otro); Pensamiento CREATIVO; posibilidades e hipótesis; nuevas ideas

  • Azul (observador) Cielo; fresco; descriptivo; CONTROL del PROCESO, PASOS, OTROS SOMBREROS; presidente, organizador; pensamiento del pensamiento

Los sombreros de De Bono son indicativos de ambos estados emocionales así como del marco mental (es decir, la perspectiva de la cual se ve un tema). Él observó: Las “emociones son una parte esencial de nuestra capacidad de pensamiento y no sólo algo que extraordinariamente nubla nuestro pensamiento” (1985, p27). Un estilo de pensamiento (o sombrero) no es intrínsecamente “mejor” que otro. Un equipo completo, equilibrado reconoce la necesidad de todos los sombreros para que el equipo pueda considerar todos los aspectos de cualesquiera de los temas a que están haciendo frente.

Beneficios principales del método de los Seis Sombreros para Pensar

  1. Permite decir cosas sin riesgo. Muy fuerte en la prevención de la Espiral del Silencio.
  2. Crea el conocimiento que hay perspectivas múltiples en el tema actual
  3. Es un mecanismo conveniente para la “el cambio de engranaje”
  4. Sirve como regla para el juego del pensamiento
  5. Enfoca el pensamiento
  6. Conduce a un pensamiento más creativo
  7. Mejora la comunicación
  8. Mejora la toma de decisiones

Usando los seis sombreros

En la mayoría de contextos grupales, los individuos tienden a tener la sensación de ser obligados a adoptar una perspectiva específica (optimista, pesimista, objetivo, etc.). Esto limita la maneras y el grado de profundidad en el cual un individual y el grupo puede analizar en su totalidad un tema. Con el Seis Sombreros para Pensar, uno se limita no más a una sola perspectiva en su pensamiento. Los sombreros son categorías del comportamiento de pensamiento y no de la gente en si misma. El propósito de los sombreros es dirigir el pensamiento, no clasificar el pensamiento o al pensador. De hecho, usando un sombrero que sea diferente del que uno acostumbra a usar, uno puede tener la oportunidad de analizar una variedad de nuevas ideas. Usar un sombrero significa deliberadamente adoptar una perspectiva que no sea necesariamente la suya. Es importante que todos los miembros del grupo están enterados de este hecho. Un miembro del grupo debe claramente tener consciencia del color de sombrero que él está usando mientras que hace una declaración. Usar un sombrero claramente identificado separa el ego del rol desempeñado. El método de seis sombreros es útil incluso para el pensamiento de individuos para sí mismos.

Pasos típicos en un curso de seis sombreros. Proceso

Los sombreros se pueden utilizar con una cierta secuencia estructurada dependiendo de la naturaleza del tema. Aquí se propone una agenda como ejemplo para un curso típico de 6 sombreros:

Paso 1: Presente los hechos del caso (el sombrero blanco)
Paso 2: Genere las ideas en cómo el caso podría ser manejado (el sombrero verde)
Paso 3: Evalúe los méritos de las ideas - enumere los beneficios (sombrero amarillo), enumere las desventajas (sombrero negro)
Paso 4: Obtenga la sensación interna de todos sobre las alternativas generadas (el sombrero rojo)
Paso 5: Resuma y cierre la reunión (el sombrero azul)

Grupo de Interés Especial

Grupo de Interés Especial de Seis Sombreros para Pensar .

Grupo de Interés Especial
Grupo de Interés Especial (64 miembros)


Discusiones en el Foro sobre Seis Sombreros para Pensar.

🔥 Eficacia de los 6 Sombreros para Pensar
¿ Qué tan eficiente es el uso de los 6 sombreros para pensar?...
tema Techniques for Real Dialogue in Organisations
How does one get people to see the difference between advocacy and dialogue? Many conversations that take place in organisations are designed to have (or at least result in having) a winner i.e. "My a...
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tema Six Thinking Hats is Parallel Thinking
The Six Hats method is one simple and practical example of carrying out 'Parallel Thinking', described first by de Bono in his book with the same name. (published by Viking, London and Penguin Books, ...
tema Instilling Constructive Participation: 15-minute Soliloquy
Another complementary possibility (besides the Six Thinking Hats) to instill constructive participation is to allow each member of the group on separate days to lead the discussion in the form of a fi...
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tema Everybody Should Wear More Than 1 Hat
I think every individual on the discussion could take a different role at a time (per session). Or maybe should. But the point is they should never use only one hat. If they use only one hat, then the...
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tema Six Hats Great for Teaching at University
I am using a modified version of the 6 thinking hats when teaching at the university. And it works very well. The students are not afraid of saying things because they are just playing a role......
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tema View Response to COVID-19 Wearing Six Thinking Hats
The amount of information, misinformation, and disinformation about COVID-19 is overwhelming and frightening. But it's not surprising. The current pandemic is a complex wicked problem where everyone s...
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tema Business Conflict Resolution
Under an earlier forum topic entitled "Resolving a Business Argument", there was a great discussion using Six Thinking Hats. This posting is a more advanced version and describes how Stephen Covey's 7...
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tema Switching Hats by Top Managers
People at the top of the organisation on most occasions wear just one of these hats. It would be interesting to see more top level people switching around hats. By doing so they may see a broader pers...
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tema Distorted Western Adversarial Thinking
A colleague recently shared a story that Edward De Bono told him at a lunch meeting. Apparently Edward was approached by a lawyer who asked: "How can I use Six Thinking Hats to argue and win my case i...
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tema Seventh Thinking Hat: Grey for Wisdom
Educator Michael Hewitt-Gleeson has suggested to add a 7th thinking hat: the Grey Hat for Wisdom. Why the colour grey? Grey-haired seniors due to their time on earth gather a lot of wisdom, a combina...
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tema Tools to Consider Multiple Perspectives
Besides the 6 Thinking Hats, another great tool to explore many perspectives is the Thinker's Keys by Ryan. This tool makes you or a group of people ask and answer a number of questions about an issue...
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tema Avoiding Groupthink with 6 Thinking Hats Process
Kennedy appeared to use this process in his decision making during 13 days in the Cuba crisis....
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tema Six Hats really great
It is a really great way of developing & generating thinking concepts in a way that guarantees positive results....
tema Can Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Improve Thinking?
Suggestions have been made to use psychological instruments such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as an aid in resolving business arguments with difficult people. The aim of MBTI is to identify the bas...
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tema Current Status of Six Thinking Hats? Hot News
On Friday, May 18, 2012, Edward De Bono was the keynote speaker at the FinanceMalta annual conference. "Thinking skills expert Edward De Bono shared anecdotes and some jokes to demonstrate the effec...
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tema Six Thinking Hats for Instructional Design
UPSIDE Learning has provided an interesting example of applying the six thinking hats for instructional design (link). The authors have chosen the following hat sequence: White, Black, Red, Green, Yel...
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tema The Role of the Group Facilitator in Six Thinking Hats
The role of the group facilitator is very important: he distributes the hats and chooses the debate orientation to explore the problem. All other participants have to folllow him. The above scheme is...
tema Conditions for 6 Thinking Hats. Assumptions
Having just completed the De Bono 6 hats course, I can honestly say it is a good tool if administered, not only in a mature organizational environment, but crucially, an environment where there is TRU...
tema Six Thinking Hats for Software Testing at Google
Our testing is only as good as our thinking--and all too often we are hampered by limiting ideas, poor communication, and pre-set roles and responsibilities. Based on the work of Edward de Bono, the S...
tema Six Hats Certification
I live in Sweden and work with process management. I have already worked with the "Six Thinking Hats" model which I believe is fantastic. Now I would like to learn the method even deeper and also ge...
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tema Additional 7th Thinking Hat?
A potential seventh thinking hat could be an Orange Hat: thinking of moving forward in a such way as climbing a ladder of successes, SMART leadership, result-oriented....
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tema How to Facilitate Mutual Understanding and Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution means the reduction, elimination, or termination of opposing views. Interest-based negotiation and mutual bargaining are win-win conflict resolution methods. Don’t feel that a con...
tema Edward de Bono Obituary
Edward de Bono died on June 09, 2021. He was 88. De Bono was a highly respected authority on creative thinking with an interest in the mind and its method of organizing information such as Six Thinkin...
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tema Six Thinking Hats is Great for Exploring All Points of View
I think that the six thinking hats is a good method to make sense and authorize all the thinking of the peoples in meeting. Each answer is always a good answer and gives value for everyone. Also it i...
tema Edward de Bono Stole Six Hats
Edward de Bono stole Six Hats from Gleeson added Grey Cap for Wisdom see my page seventhinkingcaps.com.au/grey-cap-wisdom/....
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Mejores Prácticas

Los temas mejor valorados sobre Seis Sombreros para Pensar. Aquí encontrará las ideas más valiosas y sugerencias prácticas.

🥇 Resolving a Business Argument
We've all been in arguments, such as when one person wants to proceed with something, but the other wants to stop. A resolution requires empathic listening, the ability to put yourself in the "other ...
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🥈 Clarification: Team Process
Keep in mind that all members of the team wear the same hat at the same time. For the method to be successful, team members need to feel ownership for thinking according to the "current hat." The blue...
🥉 Examples of Using Six Hats Thinking
Please give more examples about the 6 hats in different industries, especialy the IT field....
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tema Situational Thinking Hats?
While each of us typically wears one of these same six hats, we do not realise it. I am wondering: can a manager at different stages wear each of them seperately to suit the situation?...
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tema Telecom Example of Six Thinking Hats
If a live subject can be discussed so that it is more clear how to use the Six Hat Thinking. May be some case from Telecom Industry. Thanks......
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tema Wearing the Blue Hat
One 'rule' no-one has mentioned: when using the six thinking hats for a group thinking session or meeting - while there maybe one person designated as the facilitator and that person would be expected...
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tema Challenging Plans or Ideas: The Ritual Dissent Approach
When facilitating strategic planning sessions, I often will use a Cognitive-Edge Inc. workshop method called: 'Ritual Dissent'. It is designed to test and enhance proposals, ideas, plans through chal...
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tema 6 Thinking Hats are Rubbish
De Bono's 'Lateral thinking' was great stuff! The 'Thinking Hats' (and 'Different Kinds of Shoes', if I remember right) were rubbish, I'm afraid. Can justify in detail if required....
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tema Systematic, Deliberate Thinking is not Easy to Do
Your friend Joe calls you to say a recruiter from another company has unexpectedly called and presented him with a very attractive offer to head up a new department. He almost said yes right away, but...
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tema Six Hats is Universally Applicable
The Six Hats concept is civilized, nonconfrontational, democratic, modern and universally acceptable for the right ideas to prevail and common sense to unite the human race and absolute human truth th...
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tema Taking Advantage of Conflicts in Group Decision Making
In past research it was often argued that group decision making (GDM) improves if task-conflicts are present. Task-conflicts are different opinions about the content and outcomes of the task being p...
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Consejos de Expertos

Conocimientos avanzados sobre Six Thinking Hats (Inglés). Aquí encontrará consejos profesionales de expertos.


Consejos de Consultoría


Consejos de Enseñanza


Consejos Prácticos de Implementación


The Advantages of Group Decision-Making

Group Decision-Making
The benefits of group decision-making include: - Synergy: Group decisions tend to combine and improve on the knowledge...

Checklist to Evaluate Ideas

Brainstorming, Creativity
Princeton Creativity Research has developed the following 12 steps checklist to accurately evaluate ideas: 1. Have you ...

The Disadvantages of Group Decision-Making

Group Decision-Making
The drawbacks of group decision-making include: - Longer time frame: Groups generally need more time to make decisions ...

3 Causes of Disagreement in Team Decision-making Processes

Group Decision-making, Team Decision-making, Reasons for Disagreement, 3 Fs, Group Collaboration
According to Freeman and Haskins (2014), there are three main categories of potential root causes for disagreements with...

Brainstorming Sensitive Issues / Brainstorming Avoiding Groupthink

Brainstorming Variants, Brainstorming
Cardstorming is a creativity tool, similar to Brainstorming, allowing people to share ideas. It can be used as an altern...

Concise Biography of Edward de Bono

STH Background
Italian-American psychologist Edward de Bono is seen as a worldwide recognized authority in creative thinking domain. Bo...

The Role of Diversity in Personal Traits on Innovation and Innovativeness

Innovation, Increasing Organizational Innovativeness
New research by Hewlett, Marshall and Sherbin proves that diversity (of personal and team traits) drives innovation and ...
Fuentes de Información

Varias fuentes de información sobre Seis Sombreros para Pensar. Aquí encontrará powerpoints, videos, noticias, etc. para usar en sus propias conferencias y talleres.


Six Thinking Hats

Short Presentation
Another presentation introducing the various hats and their uses....

Overview Presentation

Explaining the Technique
Presentation introduces the various hats and their uses...

Applying Creative Thinking to Complex Business Problem Solving

Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, Complex Problem Solving Techniques
This presentation focuses on creative thinking as a useful tool for dealing with complex business issues. It includes th...

Interview E. de Bono on Parallel Thinking and the 6 Thinking Hats

Initial Understanding of the 6 Thinking Hats in Trainings, Workshops
E. de Bono describes the basics of his six thinking hats model and why it is a superior alternative to traditional ARGUM...

Group Conflicts, Group Cohesion and Groupthink in Decision Making

Group Decision Making, Conflicts in Groups, Cohesion of Groups, Groupthink
Presentation about conflicts and cohesion in groups, and how it influences decision making. The presentation includes th...

Individual Decision Making and Group Decision Making

Decision Making Process, Groupthink, Decision Making Styles, Vroom-Yetton Method
Presentation about Decision Making by groups and individuals. The presentation includes the following sections: 1. Know...

Group Decision Making: Using Team Conflict to Drive Performance

Group Decison Making, Group Dynamics, Conflict Management, Team Conflicts
Mark de Rond of Judge Business School explains why and how we should get more comfortable with team conflicts. Many peo...

Increasing Group Participation: The 3 I's of Participation

Increase Participation in Groups (Workshops, Trainings, Project Teams)
Steve Davis explains his model to increase Group Participation. There are three types of participation: 1. Physical ...

Benefits of the 6 Thinking Hats

Initial Understanding of Benefits of the 6 Thinking Hats
Overview of the benefits of the 6 thinking hats. Explains how Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats process saves time and ...

Six Thinking Hats Diagram

Exploring Different Perspectives
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


Herramientas útiles sobre Seis Sombreros para Pensar.













Compare los Seis Sombreros para Pensar con:   Pensamiento de Grupo  |  Espiral del Silencio  |  Perfil de la Administración del Equipo  |  Roles de Equipo Belbin  |  Metodologia Metaplan  |  Teoría del Grupo Central  |  Mapas Mentales  |  Brainstorming (Tormenta de Ideas)  |  Método Delphi  |  Mecanismos Catalízadores  |  Modelo del Cerebro Completo  |  Metodología de Scenario Planning  |  Teoría de Juegos  |  Análisis de la causa raíz  |  Dialectical Inquiry  |  Teoría Restrictiva  |  Análisis del Campo de Fuerzas  |  Inteligencia Emocional  |  Razonamiento Estratégico Analógico  |  Etapa-Puerta

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