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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Light, Bending of light When Light passes from one medium to another medium, i / r Where i = angle of incidence, Reflection Has 2 types Diffuse, Reflection Has 2 types Regular, Light bounces off a smooth surface Properties are Sharp image, Refraction Law is Snell's law, Light bounces off a rough surface Properties are Blur or no image is formed, Diffuse Where Light bounces off a rough surface, sin i / sin r = n Where i = angle of incidence, Refractive index of a medium Can also be calculated by Real depth / aparent depth, Light bounces off a smooth surface Properties are Reflected rays are parallel, sin i / sin r = n Where r = angle of refraction, Is a form of energy That can be converted to Other forms of energy, Refraction Law is The incident ray, refracted ray, and the normal at the point of incidence all lie on the same plane, Refractive index of a medium Can also be calculated by Speed of light in air / speed of light in medium, Light bounces off a rough surface Properties are Reflected rays are not parallel, Physics Light Refraction, Reflection Formula is i / r, Physics Light Reflection, n = constant Which is also Refractive index of a medium