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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: dapple.curriculumdesign, Print Strategies Procedures Decoding ~Look at the picture for clues. ~Start the tricky word. ~Think about what would make sense. ~Look for hunk and chunks ~Switch the vowel sound, Comprehension Procedures 1. Rate 2. Accuracy 3. Prosody 4. Punctuation, Comprehension Procedures Decoding ~Look at the picture for clues. ~Start the tricky word. ~Think about what would make sense. ~Look for hunk and chunks ~Switch the vowel sound, Fluency Procedures 1. Rate 2. Accuracy 3. Prosody 4. Punctuation, Guided Reading Skills Comprehension, Guided Reading Skills Print Strategies, Fluency Procedures Decoding ~Look at the picture for clues. ~Start the tricky word. ~Think about what would make sense. ~Look for hunk and chunks ~Switch the vowel sound, Print Strategies Procedures ~Ask Questions ~Identify the main idea and supporting details ~Make Connections, Guided Reading Skills Fluency, Fluency Procedures ~Ask Questions ~Identify the main idea and supporting details ~Make Connections, Print Strategies Procedures 1. Rate 2. Accuracy 3. Prosody 4. Punctuation, Comprehension Procedures ~Ask Questions ~Identify the main idea and supporting details ~Make Connections