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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Progress Student Learning Module 4, Knowledge Requires understanding of Key Terms, Historical Context Awareness of Major Events After, Comprehension Ability to grasp Meaning and Intent, Comprehension Ability to interpret Information, Historical Context Awareness of Major Events Before, assumptions within material When able to perceive and judge becomes Evaluation, Historical Context Incorporates Prior Knowledge, Major Events After Gives meaning to Key Terms, Analysis Ability to perceive Opinion/Bias, Historical Context Awareness of Major Events Before, Historical Context Awareness of Major Events After, Application of prior knowledge, comprehension, and analysis Requires Knowledge, Comprehension Requires Knowledge, Major Events Before Gives meaning to Key Terms, Analysis Requires Knowledge, Personal opinions Justified through Application of prior knowledge, comprehension, and analysis, Application of prior knowledge, comprehension, and analysis Requires Evaluation, Comprehension Ability to translate in one's own words Information, Analysis Ability to perceive Most important information, Evaluation Incorporates Personal opinions