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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Untitled, Assignments Active Research to develop Archival skills LGBT RC, Assignments developed /organized with Concept Maps, Major Course Themes including II. Curriculum Teaching & Learning, Assignments Papers to broaden knowledge base and enhance individual critical and analytical skills.... * Book Review (RQ), Class Reading Facilitation (100) grading of required assignments 1000 Pts possible Midterm Quiz (50), Assignments *e-postings to build course community through shared gleanings Discussion Board (BB), *Paper Presentation (100) grading of required assignments 1000 Pts possible Midterm Quiz (50), Black Board Discussion Board (50) grading of required assignments 1000 Pts possible Midterm Quiz (50), Major Course Themes including I. Organization, Leadership & Governance, *Student Life Presentation (150) grading of required assignments 1000 Pts possible Midterm Quiz (50), Research Paper (200) grading of required assignments 1000 Pts possible Midterm Quiz (50), Assignments Presentations to deepen knowledge pertaining to the latest issues in HE Student Life Presentations (RQ), * Menu Assignemnts (150) grading of required assignments 1000 Pts possible Midterm Quiz (50), Course Themes Leading to Assignments, Assignments generating rich and useful Evaluation, Assignments Presentations to deepen knowledge pertaining to the latest issues in HE * Readings Facilitation (RQ), Book Review (100) grading of required assignments 1000 Pts possible Midterm Quiz (50), Assignments Active Research to develop Archival skills ????, Assignments Active Research to develop Archival skills OMA, Major Course Themes including V. Policy