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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ServicesOntology, ServiceProfile hasName xsd:string, ServiceProfile provides dcat:Catalog, ServiceParameter hasValidFormat xsd:string, Document is a Data Granule, dcat:Catalog hasEndPoint xsd:anyURI, dcat:Catalog Equivalent To THREDDSCatalog, ServiceDescriptionDocument hasDescription xsd:string, KML Document has 1 or more kml:TimePrimitive, Document is a ServiceDescriptionDocument, ServiceProfile has 1 or more ServiceParameter, KML Document has 1 or more kml:region, dcat:Catalog hasMDVersion xsd:string, dcat:Catalog gmd:DateStamp xsd:dateTime, ServiceProfile hasType xsd:string, ServiceParameter hasType xsd:string, dcat:CatalogRecord Equivalent To ISO Record, Document is a dcat:CatalogRecord, ServiceParameter hasValidRange xsd:range, Service describedBy ServiceDescriptionDocument, ServiceProfile provides dcat:Dataset