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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: AT THE CIRCUS-Moisés, AT THE CIRCUS consits of VOCABULARY, CROSS CURRICULAR TOPIC ???? Animal bodies, VOCABULARY about ADJECTIVES, GRAMMAR structure HAS HE/ SHE GOT...? +YES,HE/SHE HAS. -NO,HE/SHE HASN'T, HAS HE/ SHE GOT...? +YES,HE/SHE HAS. -NO,HE/SHE HASN'T for example Has he got a beard? Yes,he has., ADJECTIVES such as tall short strong thin old young, AT THE CIRCUS consits of CROSS CURRICULAR TOPIC, AT THE CIRCUS consits of GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY about PHYSIC, PHYSIC such as curly hair waby hair straighthair ponytail moustache beard glasses blond hair