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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: AT THE CLUB-Joaquín, PRESENT CONTINUOUS REVIEWS for example He is playing computer games., VOCABULARY about SPORT, CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC about SOCIAL SCIENCE, ACTIVITIES such as do crafts go online make a snack do homework feed the animals play computer games practise sport read a magazine text my friend watch a DVD, GRAMMAR structures CAN: PERMISSION, AT THE CLUB contains GRAMMAR, GRAMMAR structures PRESENT CONTINUOUS REVIEWS, MINE,YOURS, HIS,HERS,OURS, THEIRS for example This bag is hers., AT THE CLUB contains CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC, GRAMMAR structures POSSESIVE PRONOUNS, SPORT such as champion winner medal goal net racket trophy tournament, AT THE CLUB contains VOCABULARY, CAN: PERMISSION for example Can he do crafts? Yes he can. No he can't., VOCABULARY about ACTIVITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCE ???? Map reading, POSSESIVE PRONOUNS are MINE,YOURS, HIS,HERS,OURS, THEIRS