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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: AT THE SPORTS CENTER-Lidia y Santiago, VOCABULARY sports cycle do archery do gymnastics do judo play basketball play golf play tennis ski diving kayaking surfing rafting swiming waterskiing, CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC Natural Science A BALANCE DIET, DO YOU...? +YES,I DO -NO,I DON`T for example Do you do judo? Yes,I do, GRAMMAR structures ARE YOU GOOD AT...? +YES,I AM -NO,I M NOT, GRAMMAR structures DO YOU...? +YES,I DO -NO,I DON`T, AT THE SPORT CENTRE contains GRAMMAR, AT THE SPORT CENTRE contains VOCABULARY, ARE YOU GOOD AT...? +YES,I AM -NO,I M NOT for example Arew you good at surfing? Yes ,I am, AT THE SPORT CENTRE contains CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC