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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: A FLAT NUMBER 6-Sergio y Alonso, THERE´S A... for example There's a cushion., VOCABULARY about THINGS, GRAMMAR structures HAVE YOU GOT A...? +YES,I HAVE -NO I HAVEN`T, HAVE YOU GOT A...? +YES,I HAVE -NO I HAVEN`T for example Have you got a plant? Yes, I have., IS IT A...? +YES IT IS -NO IT ISN`T for example It is a lamp? Yes it is., GRAMMAR structures THERE´S A..., GRAMMAR structures IS IT A...? +YES IT IS -NO IT ISN`T, CROSS CURRICULAR TOPIC social siencie BULDING MATERIALS IN DIFFERENT CLIMATES, A FLAT NUMBER 6 Contains VOCABULARY, A FLAT NUMBER 6 Contains GRAMMAR, THINGS ???? wardrobe bookcase clock mirror plant poster lamp bin TV rug cushion computer picture desk, A FLAT NUMBER 6 Contains CROSS CURRICULAR TOPIC