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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: AT ROOFTOPS SCHOOL-Lidia y Sofía, SUBJECTS such as Maths Englis Art Geography History P.E Sience Music, AT ROOFTOPS SCHOOL contains GRAMMAR, WHAT'S THE MATTER? I'VE GOT... for example What's the matter? I've got a cold., CROOS-CURRICULAR TOPIC Study skills MIND MAPS, ILLNESS such as cough a cold erache headche toothache stomach ache, GRAMMAR structures WHAT'S THE MATTER? I'VE GOT..., DOES HE/SHE LIKE+SUBJECT? +YES, HE/SHE DOES. -NO, HE/SHE DOESN'T. for example Does he like English? Yes, he does., GRAMMAR structures DOES HE/SHE LIKE+SUBJECT? +YES, HE/SHE DOES. -NO, HE/SHE DOESN'T., AT ROOFTOPS SCHOOL contains VOCABULARY, VOCABULARY about SUBJECTS, AT ROOFTOPS SCHOOL contains CROOS-CURRICULAR TOPIC, ILLNESS about SUBJECTS