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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: AT THE CINEMAS-Sofía, GRAMMAR structures HE WANTS TO+INFINITIVE HE DOESN´T TO+INFINITIVE, VOCABULARY about TIPES OF FILMS, CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC Art HOW TO MAKE A SIMPLE CARTOON, THIS/THAT THESE/THOSE for example This is a cave., AT THE CINEMA contains CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC, ADVENTURE VOCABULARY such as boat map cave treasure shells island, VOCABULARY about ADVENTURE VOCABULARY, HE WANTS TO+INFINITIVE HE DOESN´T TO+INFINITIVE for example He wants to watch a comedy., AT THE CINEMA contains GRAMMAR, AT THE CINEMA contains VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR structures THIS/THAT THESE/THOSE, TIPES OF FILMS such as adventure film cartoons comedy fantasy film musical scary film science fiction film wildlife film