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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: AT THE ARENA- Malena y Juan, NEW TECHNOLOGY such as digital camera headphone laptop lights microphone projector screen speakers video camera, GRAMMAR structure CAN: PAST SIMPLE (COULD), VOCABULARY about NEW TECHNOLOGY, GRAMMAR structure HAVE TO/ DON´T HAVE TO OBLIGATION, AT THE ARENA contains GRAMMAR, CRROSS CURRICULAR TOPIC ???? technology is getting smaller, HAVE TO/ DON´T HAVE TO OBLIGATION patters + YOU HAVE TO + INFINITIVE - YOU DON'T HAVE TO + INFINITIVE, CLOTHES such as bow tie suit hat costume handkerchief waitscoat, + YOU HAVE TO + INFINITIVE - YOU DON'T HAVE TO + INFINITIVE for example + You have to wear a suit -You dont' have to wear a suit, VOCABULARY about CLOTHES, AT THE ARENA contains VOCABULARY, CAN: PAST SIMPLE (COULD) patters + I COULD + INFINITIVE -I COULDN'T + INFINITIVE * COULD YOU INFINITIVE? + YES I COULD - NO I COULDN'T, AT THE ARENA contains CRROSS CURRICULAR TOPIC, + I COULD + INFINITIVE -I COULDN'T + INFINITIVE * COULD YOU INFINITIVE? + YES I COULD - NO I COULDN'T for example + I could take photos -I couldn't take photos *I couldn't take photos + Yes, I could/ No I couldn't