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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: AT BTHE FUTURE RAIR-Lola, WHO for example She is my friend who is playing with my, WHO for example This is my house where I live., WHERE for example This is the clue which we found in the kitchen, WHICH for example This is my house where I live., WHICH for example This is the clue which we found in the kitchen, WHO for example This is the clue which we found in the kitchen, RELATIVE PRONOUS ???? WHICH, JOBS such as archeologist architect astronaut clthes desinger dancer doctor inventor journalist spor person vet, VOCABULARY about ADJEcTIVES, AT THE FUTURE FAIR contains VOCABULARY, VOCABULARY about JOBS, WHERE for example This is my house where I live., GRAMMAR structure WILL-PREDICTION (POSITIVE), WHERE for example She is my friend who is playing with my, WHICH for example She is my friend who is playing with my, ADJEcTIVES such as curious dissapointed impatient proud scared surprise, RELATIVE PRONOUS ???? WHO, GRAMMAR structure RELATIVE PRONOUS, RELATIVE PRONOUS ???? WHERE, AT THE FUTURE FAIR contains GRAMMAR