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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: IN THE COMMUNITY GARDEN Daniel y Hugo, SUBJET + PRESEN + SIMPLE ´´TO BE`` +VB-ING for example They are watering the plants, IN THE COMMUNITY GARDEN contains CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC, VOCABULARY about VERBS, +THERE ARE SOME... -THERE AREN´T ANY... ARE THERE ANY...? for example +There are some ants. -There aren`t any ants Are there any ants? Yes there are/No there aren´t, VOCABULARY about INSECTS, IN THE COMMUNITY GARDEN contains VOCABULARY, VERBS such as dig up feed water wash pick plant, IN THE COMMUNITY GARDEN contains GRAMMAR, CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC Maths DESCRIBING POSITION WITH CO-ORDINATES, PRESENT CONTINUOUS pattenr SUBJET + PRESEN + SIMPLE ´´TO BE`` +VB-ING, GRAMMAR structures PRESENT CONTINUOUS, GRAMMAR structures +THERE ARE SOME... -THERE AREN´T ANY... ARE THERE ANY...?, INSECTS such as ant bee butterfly grasshopper ladybird snail spider worm