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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Upper Respiratory Surgery, Complications includes Reocurrence (mouse over), VENTRICULOCORDECTOMY (mouse over) risks Possible complications (mouse over), Ventriculocordectomy Laser Technique (Mouse over for all) includes Post-op, Complications includes intra-operative bleeding, PROSTHETIC LARYNGOPLASTY (mouse over) risks Possible Complications, PROSTHETIC LARYNGOPLASTY (mouse over) surgery comprises Pre-Op, UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT SURGERY LARYNGOHYOID REDUCTION (TIE FORWARD), Complications includes Incisional infection (mouse over), Complications includes Vocal cord collapse (mouse over), Pre-op important considerations Indications, Pre-op includes History, LARYNGOHYOID REDUCTION (TIE FORWARD) (mouse over) includes Post-op management, UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT SURGERY PROSTHETIC LARYNGOPLASTY (mouse over), LARYNGOHYOID REDUCTION (TIE FORWARD) (mouse over) includes Pre-op considerations, PROSTHETIC LARYNGOPLASTY (mouse over) treatment for Laryngeal Hemiplegia, VENTRICULOCORDECTOMY (mouse over) Non-Laser surgery technique Pre-op, UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT SURGERY LASER GUIDED VENTRICULOCORDECTOMY, Pre-op includes Physical exam, VENTRICULOCORDECTOMY (mouse over) Surgery has Advantages/Disadvanges (mouse over), Ventriculocordectomy Laser Technique (Mouse over for all) includes Intra-op