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Advantages and Disadvantages of Bovine Castration.docx adv pic.jpg Aftercare for Castration.docx Age for Castration in bulls.url Anatomy Lecture.url anatomy pic.jpg anatomy testes.jpg band and burdizzo method.url Burdizzo.jpg castration using burdizzo.url Chemical and Hormonal Castration.docx Client Education.docx Closed Castration in Bulls (Burdizzo).pptx complications after castration.url Complications of castration in cattle.docx emasculators.jpg Everything you need to know.url Everything you should know.url Important Knots.jpg large-animal-orchiectomy-12-638.jpg live-weight-graph.gif Mosquito Forceps.jpg Mule_castration_emasculator_during_haemostasis.jpg One Hand Surgical Knot.url open-closed castration method.url Open-Open Castration In Bulls.pptx open-open castration method.url open open castration pic.jpg open-open pic.jpg Physical Exam of Cattle.url post op.jpg Post Op Complications of Calf.docx premed.jpg pre med drugs bovine castration.docx RC Forceps.jpg reason pic.jpg reproductive organs of bull.jpg Rope Halter.jpg Rubber Ring Method.pptx Scalpels, Blades and Incision.jpg Short scrotum adv.jpg Short scrotum Method.jpg Suture material.jpg testicle inspection.jpg testis.jpg Tetanus in cattle.url Using Birdizzo- Not in English.url when to castrate bull calves.url why castrate.url why do we castrate.url