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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Gen map back up 2, Preoperative procedures lets get it started Surgical preparation (mouse over), Teat and Udder Surgery gotta go do the thing Intraoperative procedures, Teat and Udder Surgery what now? Postoperative procedures, Preoperative procedures saftey first! prevention is better than cure Other drugs (mouse over), Preoperative procedures saftey first! prevention is better than cure Local anesthesia of the teats (mouse over), Preoperative procedures lets get it started Equiptment and instruments (mouse over), Preoperative procedures know the normal so you can fix the abnormal Udder and teat anatomy, Preoperative procedures saftey first! prevention is better than cure Restraint and sedation (mouse over), Preoperative procedures does she need it and can she survive a surgery Teat laceration classification (mouse over), Preoperative procedures does she need it and can she survive a surgery BCS, Physical exam and examination of the udder and ASA grade (mouse over), Teat and Udder Surgery gotta prepare Preoperative procedures