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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: cmap lab 4 group 1 final, Gigli Wire comes with Considerations, Chemical Restraint can be produced by Anaesthesia, Intra-Operative Care must include Patient Monitoring, Mechanical Methods for sawing Gigli Wire, Disbudder comes with Considerations, Secondary Care involves preparation of Emergency Drugs, Callicrate Bander can be used for Procedure, DEHORNING Includes *Dehorning of Goats*, Mechanical Methods for cutting Barnes Dehorner, Antibiotics & Anti-inflammatory drugs such as *Penicillin Streptomycin*, Pre-Operative Care includes Secondary Care, Hemostasis can be achieved with Disbudder, Barnes Dehorner can be used for Procedure, Post-Operative Care involves Wound Management and Healing*, Barnes Dehorner comes with Considerations, Anaesthesia involves *Lidocaine*, Post-Operative Care may involve Complications, Intra-Operative Care employs *Chemical Dehorning Methods*, Gigli Wire can be used for Procedure, Physical Restraint employs Holding the animal/ man power