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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Lab 7 backup, if abnormalities or lesions are found specific proceedures can be performed such as rumenotomy (detailed under rumenotomy), Post-Operative Procedure Entails NSAIDs, Hardware disease Consists of Surgical treatment (m.o), desensitize skin close to the transverse process of L1, L2, L3 using 18 gauge needle 2 to 3ml lidocaine step 2 canula or guide needle placement 14 gauge 2.5 cm minimises resistance and further anaesthesia for placement of spinal needle, Post-Operative Procedure Entails Revisit, omentoplexy includes intra-operative, General Information Involves Complications, Pre-Operative Procedure Entails restraint, Rumenotomy (M.O) 5 Techniques used to fixate the Rumenotomy. Rumen Skin Clamp Fixation Technique (m.o), Intra-Operative Procedure step 1 vertical incision is made - middle of paralumbar fossa - 3 to 5cm ventral of tr. process of lumbar vertebrae for approx. 20 -25cm, Gastro-Intestinal complications Comprises of Hardware disease, Post-Operative Procedure Entails Antibiotics, Pre-Operative Procedure Entails Examination, After a 3rd of the incision is closed a bite is taken through the transverse abdominus through the omentum and back to the transverse abdominus on the other side hence it is cooporated into te closure Removal of towel clamps Toowel claps are removed once the omentum is secured, Pre-Operative Procedure Entails History, Gastro-Intestinal complications Comprises of Left displaced abomasum (m.o), General Information Involves Advantages and Disadvantages, desensitise L1 and L2 steps needle is inserted caudal to tranverse process of L1 and L2 then walked off caudally this time and 3 and 4 is repeated as seen in T13, General Information Involves Animal Welfare, Anatomy of GIT relevant anatomy reticulum (mo)