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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Case 3 - Anastomoses & Resection, Purpose of this Technique include To restore luminal and mural integrity, Indication of Use includes Neoplasia of intestinal lumen, Drugs Post-Op Drugs, Post-OP give NSAIDs, Indication of Use includes Intestinal Perforation, Indication of Use includes Intussusception, Anastomoses & Resection requires knowledge of Purpose of this Technique, Anastomoses & Resection requires knowledge of Surgical Technique, Surgical Technique Enterectomy Client communication, Indication of Use includes Small Intestinal Obstructions, Surgical Technique Enterectomy Post-OP, Post-OP includes Complications, Post-OP the animal should be Monitored, Monitored for Passing of faeces, Purpose of this Technique include To remove ischemic intestinal segments, Post-OP give Analgesics, Indication of Use includes Hemorrhagic jejunal syndrome, Surgical Technique Enterectomy Intra-OP, Client communication ???? Prognosis (good if lesions are easily accesible & treated early** អ% survival rate after small intestinal resection***, Monitored for Hydration status