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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: High four-point nerve block, Anaesthetizing lateral and medial metacarpal nerves Requires Anaesthetic agent, Disadvantages Conditions not blocked Inferior check ligament, Anaesthetic agent Volume 3-5mls, Anaesthetizing lateral and medial metacarpal nerves Requires Equipment, High four-point nerve block (H4PNB)- (MO) Disadvantages, Advantages Blocks the metacarpal regions except -the origin of the suspensory ligament -inferior check ligament of the DDF -the proximal splints and cannon, Equipment 20-22ga, 1.5 inch hypodermic needle Hypordermic syringe, Anaesthetizing the lateral and medial palmar nerves alone slightly below the carpometacarpal joint Desensitizes The flexor tendons, High four-point nerve block (H4PNB)- (MO) Advantages, High four-point nerve block (H4PNB)- (MO) Areas desensitized Anaesthetizing the lateral and medial palmar nerves alone slightly below the carpometacarpal joint, Equipment 25ga, 5\8 inch hypodermic needle Hypodermic syringe, High four-point nerve block (H4PNB)- (MO) Technique Anaesthetizing each plantar nerve, Anaesthetizing each plantar nerve Requires Anaesthetic agent, Disadvantages Conditions not blocked Splints, Anaesthetic agent Volume 3-5mls, Disadvantages Conditions not blocked High suspensory desmitis, High four-point nerve block (H4PNB)- (MO) Areas desensitized Anaesthetizing the palmar metacarpal nerves alone at this level, Disadvantages Conditions not blocked High splint fractures, High four-point nerve block (H4PNB)- (MO) Technique Successful H4PNB (MO), Anaesthetizing each plantar nerve Requires Equipment