IHMC Public Cmaps (3)

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            C19 SVM 2023 GROUP2
                Group 2 LAB 6- Hoof and Claw Trimming
                Resource Folder

                    Digit amputation.url
                    Digit amputation by using Gigli wire method.url
                    Digit amputation using method -Sharpe dissection dissarticulation between p1 and p2.url
                    Disorders leading to lameness.url
                    Drugs Table 1.url
                    Drugs Table 2.url
                    Gigli wire digit amputation video.url
                    Instruments - Hoof Care.url
                    IVRA in a Cow.url
                    Lay over Chute.jpg
                    Locomotion Scoring Chart.jpg
                    Man in PPE.jpg
                    MSD Manual.url
                    Perspectives on the treatment of claw lesions in cattle.url
                    Pre-op scrub bucket.HEIC
                    Pre-Op scrub of hoof and in between the digits.MOV
                    Sharpe dissection digit amputation video.url
                    Stand up Chute.jpg
                    Surgical Diseases and Techniques of the Digit.url
                    Tetravet Antibiotic Spray.jpg
                    The Dutch Hoof Trimming Method.docx
                    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-17 at 4.25.57 PM.jpeg