IHMC Public Cmaps (3)

        Moved Cmaps and resources (previously here) - Se movio recursos y Cmaps previamente en la raiz a esta carpeta

            Topic 1 Therapy dog stress
            Topic 1 Tinbergen's 4 questions
            Topic 2 Cat and Dog Senses
            Topic 2 Wyatt Ch 2 Sensing
            Topic 3 Play (Bateson article)
            Topic 3 Wyatt Ch 3 Bhv and Ontogeny
            Topic 4. Pepperberg Article
            Topic 4 Wyatt Ch 4 Learning
            Topic 5 Ducheminsky Article
            Topic 5 Wyatt Ch 5 Communication
            Topic 6 Davies Article
            Topic 6 Wyatt Ch 6 Bhvl Ecology
            Topic 7 Seeley Article
            Topic 7 Wyatt Ch 7 Swarms Sociality
            Topic 8 Applied Anbhv
            Topic 8 Nemeth Aricle